Line data Source code
1 : /*
2 : * Copyright (C) 2018 Fulvio Benini.
3 : *
4 : * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
5 : * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
6 : * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
7 : * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
8 : * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
9 : * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
10 : *
11 : * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
12 : * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
13 : *
21 : */
22 :
23 : /** @file
24 : * Split input into PGN tokens and dispatch them to a "visiting" parser.
25 : */
26 :
27 : #ifndef _PGN_LEXER_H
28 : #define _PGN_LEXER_H
29 :
30 : #include <algorithm>
31 : #include <cassert>
32 :
33 : namespace pgn_impl {
34 : // "PGN character data is organized as tokens. A token is a contiguous
35 : // sequence of characters that represents a basic semantic unit. Tokens
36 : // may be separated from adjacent tokens by white space characters.
37 : // (White space characters include space, newline, and tab characters.)
38 : // Some tokens are self delimiting and do not require white space
39 : // characters."
40 :
41 : /**
42 : * Creates a 128 bits bitmap of PGN symbol characters.
43 : *
44 : * "A symbol token starts with a letter or digit character and is immediately
45 : * followed by a sequence of zero or more symbol continuation characters.
46 : * These continuation characters are letter characters ("A-Za-z"), digit
47 : * characters ("0-9"), the underscore ("_"), the plus sign ("+"), the octothorpe
48 : * sign ("#"), the equal sign ("="), the colon (":"), and the hyphen ("-")."
49 : * @param elem: 0 for the lower 64 bits, 1 for the higher 64 bits.
50 : * @returns the requested half of the bitmap.
51 : */
52 : constexpr unsigned long long init_symbol_map(unsigned elem) {
53 : return (elem == 0) ? 0x27ffb80800000000 : 0x47fffffe87ffffff;
54 :
55 : /* Requires gcc >= 6.2 or clang >= 3.5
56 :
57 : unsigned long long res[2] = {0};
58 : for (unsigned ch = 'A'; ch <= 'Z'; ++ch) {
59 : res[ch / 64] |= (1ULL << (ch % 64));
60 : }
61 : for (unsigned ch = 'a'; ch <= 'z'; ++ch) {
62 : res[ch / 64] |= (1ULL << (ch % 64));
63 : }
64 : for (unsigned ch = '0'; ch <= '9'; ++ch) {
65 : res[ch / 64] |= (1ULL << (ch % 64));
66 : }
67 : const unsigned extra[] = {'_', '+', '#', '=', ':', '-'};
68 : for (unsigned ch : extra) {
69 : res[ch / 64] |= (1ULL << (ch % 64));
70 : }
71 : const unsigned drawresult_unclear[] = {'/', '~'};
72 : for (unsigned ch : drawresult_unclear) {
73 : res[ch / 64] |= (1ULL << (ch % 64));
74 : }
75 : const unsigned chess_variants[] = {',', '@'};
76 : for (unsigned ch : chess_variants) {
77 : res[ch / 64] |= (1ULL << (ch % 64));
78 : }
79 : return res[elem];
80 : */
81 : }
82 :
83 : /**
84 : * Checks if the given character is a PGN symbol.
85 : * @param ch: character to classify.
86 : * @returns true if @e ch is a PGN symbol character, false otherwise.
87 : */
88 7559779 : inline bool is_PGNsymbol(unsigned char ch) {
89 7559779 : constexpr unsigned long long tok_map[] = {init_symbol_map(0),
90 : init_symbol_map(1)};
91 7559779 : auto high = ch / 64;
92 7559779 : auto low = ch % 64;
93 7559779 : return high > 1 ? false : tok_map[high] & (1ULL << low);
94 : }
95 :
96 : /**
97 : * Checks if the given character is one of the 10 decimal digits: 0123456789.
98 : * @param ch: character to classify.
99 : * @returns true if the character is a numeric character, false otherwise.
100 : */
101 4248015 : inline bool is_PGNdigit(unsigned char ch) { return ch >= '0' && ch <= '9'; }
102 :
103 : /**
104 : * Checks if the given character is a white space ("white space characters
105 : * include space, newline, and tab characters").
106 : * @param ch: character to classify.
107 : * @returns true if the character is a white space, false otherwise.
108 : */
109 45603 : inline bool is_PGNwhitespace(unsigned char ch) {
110 45603 : return (ch == ' ' || ch == '\n' || ch == '\r' || ch == '\t' || ch == '\v');
111 : }
112 :
113 : /**
114 : * Checks if a token is the game termination marker.
115 : *
116 : * "The game termination marker is a symbol that is one of the following four
117 : * values: "1-0" (White wins), "0-1" (Black wins), "1/2-1/2" (drawn game),
118 : * and "*" (game in progress, result unknown, or game abandoned)."
119 : * @param tok: the token to classify.
120 : * @returns
121 : * - '1' for "White wins",
122 : * - '0' for "Black wins",
123 : * - '/' for "drawn game",
124 : * - '*' for "result unknown",
125 : * - 0 (false) if it's not a termination marker.
126 : */
127 33 : template <typename TView> char is_PGNtermination(TView tok) {
128 33 : auto n_chars = std::distance(tok.first, tok.second);
129 33 : if (n_chars == 3) {
130 33 : if (std::equal(tok.first, tok.first + 3, "1-0"))
131 9 : return '1';
132 24 : if (std::equal(tok.first, tok.first + 3, "0-1"))
133 24 : return '0';
134 0 : if (std::equal(tok.first, tok.first + 3, "1/2"))
135 0 : return '/';
136 0 : if (std::equal(tok.first, tok.first + 3, "1:0"))
137 0 : return '1';
138 0 : if (std::equal(tok.first, tok.first + 3, "0:1"))
139 0 : return '0';
140 0 : } else if (n_chars == 7) {
141 0 : if (std::equal(tok.first, tok.first + 7, "1/2-1/2") ||
142 0 : std::equal(tok.first, tok.first + 7, "1/2:1/2"))
143 0 : return '/';
144 : }
145 0 : return 0;
146 : }
147 :
148 : /**
149 : * Read a token and dispatch it to a PGN parser.
150 : * The first char of the token is used to determine its termination.
151 : * @param ch: the first char of the token.
152 : * @param input: the input to get data from.
153 : * @param parser: will receive the tokens via visitPGN_* functions.
154 : * @param section: -1 pregame, 0 for tag pair section, 1 for movetext section.
155 : * @returns the result of the invoked parser's function.
156 : */
157 : template <typename TInput, typename TVisitor>
158 8013049 : bool parse_token(char ch, TInput& input, TVisitor& parser, int& section) {
159 8013049 : switch (ch) {
160 2389563 : case ' ': // self terminating
161 : case '\t': // self terminating
162 : case '\v': // self terminating
163 : case '\r': // self terminating
164 2389563 : return true;
165 :
166 129953 : case '\n': // self terminating
167 129953 : return parser.visitPGN_EndOfLine();
168 :
169 1909592 : case '.': // self terminating
170 1909592 : return true;
171 :
172 0 : case '<': // self terminating
173 0 : return true;
174 :
175 0 : case '>': // self terminating
176 0 : return true;
177 :
178 2001 : case '*': // self terminating
179 2001 : return parser.visitPGN_ResultFinal('*');
180 :
181 309108 : case '(': // self terminating
182 309108 : return parser.visitPGN_VariationStart();
183 :
184 309108 : case ')': // self terminating
185 309108 : return parser.visitPGN_VariationEnd();
186 :
187 15146 : case '[': // --> ']', can span multiple lines
188 15146 : if (section <= 0) {
189 15144 : section = 0;
190 45432 : auto skip_spaces = [&]() {
191 30288 : auto spaces = input.read_while(is_PGNwhitespace);
192 60610 : while (spaces.first != spaces.second) {
193 15161 : if (*spaces.first++ == '\n')
194 9 : parser.visitPGN_EndOfLine();
195 : }
196 30288 : };
197 15144 : skip_spaces();
198 15144 : auto tag = input.read_while(is_PGNsymbol);
199 :
200 15144 : skip_spaces();
201 15144 : auto value = input.read_until(']');
202 :
203 : // Remove the " char at the start and deal with the special case of
204 : // a ] char inside the string token.
205 15144 : if (value.first != value.second && *value.first == '"') {
206 15167 : auto is_terminated = [&]() {
207 338 : for (auto it = value.first; it != value.second; ++it) {
208 303 : if (*it == '"')
209 2 : return true;
210 304 : if (*it == '\\' && ++it == value.second)
211 0 : break;
212 : }
213 32 : return false;
214 : };
215 15133 : ++value.first;
216 15197 : while (!input.last_column() && !is_terminated()) {
217 32 : value.second = input.read_until(']').second;
218 : }
219 : }
220 : // trim right
221 15182 : while (value.first != value.second) {
222 15163 : auto last_ch = *--value.second;
223 15163 : if (last_ch == '"') {
224 15135 : break;
225 : }
226 28 : if (!is_PGNwhitespace(last_ch)) {
227 9 : ++value.second;
228 9 : break;
229 : }
230 19 : if (last_ch == '\n')
231 3 : parser.visitPGN_EndOfLine();
232 : }
233 15144 : return parser.visitPGN_TagPair(tag, value);
234 : }
235 2 : input.sungetc();
236 2 : parser.visitPGN_inputUnexpectedPGNHeader();
237 2 : return false;
238 :
239 224028 : case '{': // --> '}', can span multiple lines
240 224028 : return parser.visitPGN_Comment(input.read_until('}'));
241 :
242 4 : case ';': // --> '\n'
243 4 : return parser.visitPGN_Comment(input.read_line());
244 :
245 1 : case '%': // --> '\n', only if "appearing in the first column of a line"
246 1 : if (input.first_column()) {
247 1 : return parser.visitPGN_Escape(input.read_line());
248 : }
249 : return parser.visitPGN_Unknown(
250 0 : input.read_token([](char c) { return c == '%'; }));
251 :
252 384 : case '$': // terminated just prior to the first non-digit character
253 384 : return parser.visitPGN_NAG(input.read_token(is_PGNdigit));
254 :
255 0 : case '?': // Suffix annotations: "!", "?", "!!", "!?", "?!", and "??"
256 : case '!': // "At most one such suffix annotation may appear per move"
257 : return parser.visitPGN_Suffix(
258 0 : input.read_token([](char c) { return c == '!' || c == '?'; }));
259 : }
260 :
261 : // "A symbol token is terminated just prior to the first non-symbol
262 : // character following the symbol character sequence."
263 2724161 : auto tok = input.read_token(is_PGNsymbol);
264 2724161 : bool epd = (section < 0 && std::count(tok.first, tok.second, '/') == 7);
265 2724161 : section = 1;
266 :
267 2724161 : if (epd) {
268 4 : tok.second = input.read_line().second;
269 4 : parser.visitPGN_EPD(tok);
270 4 : return false;
271 : }
272 :
273 2724157 : auto notdigit = std::find_if_not(tok.first, tok.second, is_PGNdigit);
274 2724157 : if (notdigit == tok.first)
275 1565565 : return parser.visitPGN_SANMove(tok);
276 :
277 1158592 : if (notdigit == tok.second)
278 1158559 : return parser.visitPGN_MoveNum(tok);
279 :
280 33 : if (auto result = is_PGNtermination(tok))
281 33 : return parser.visitPGN_ResultFinal(result);
282 :
283 0 : return parser.visitPGN_Unknown(tok);
284 : }
285 :
286 : class InputMemory {
287 : const char* const begin_;
288 : const char* const end_;
289 : const char* it_;
290 :
291 : public:
292 2070 : InputMemory(const char* begin, const char* end)
293 2070 : : begin_(begin), end_(end), it_(begin) {}
294 :
295 : /// Reads one character and advances the input sequence by one character.
296 8013049 : char sbumpc() {
297 8013049 : assert(it_ != end_);
298 8013049 : return *it_++;
299 : };
300 :
301 : /// Makes the most recently extracted character available again.
302 2 : void sungetc() {
303 2 : assert(it_ != begin_ && it_ != end_);
304 2 : --it_;
305 2 : }
306 :
307 : /// Returns true if there are no chars available.
308 8028244 : bool eof() const { return it_ == end_; };
309 :
310 : /// Returns the number of chars read.
311 2071 : std::size_t n_read() const { return std::distance(begin_, it_); }
312 :
313 : /// Returns true if the most recently extracted character was the first
314 : /// character of the line.
315 1 : bool first_column() const { return (n_read() < 2 || *(it_ - 2) == '\n'); };
316 :
317 : /// Returns true if the most recently extracted character was the last
318 : /// character of the line.
319 15165 : bool last_column() const { return eof() || *it_ == '\n' || *it_ == '\r'; }
320 :
321 : /// Returns the range of chars: [curr_char, '\n').
322 : /// The '\n' char is left as the next character to extract.
323 9 : std::pair<const char*, const char*> read_line() {
324 9 : auto first = it_;
325 9 : it_ = std::find(it_, end_, '\n');
326 9 : return {first, it_};
327 : }
328 :
329 : /// Returns the range of chars: [curr_char, delim).
330 : /// The delim char is skipped.
331 239204 : std::pair<const char*, const char*> read_until(char delim) {
332 239204 : auto first = it_;
333 239204 : it_ = std::find(it_, end_, delim);
334 239204 : auto second = (it_ == end_) ? it_ : it_++;
335 239204 : return {first, second};
336 : }
337 :
338 : /// Returns the range of chars: [curr_char, cond == true].
339 : template <typename Cond>
340 45432 : std::pair<const char*, const char*> read_while(Cond cond) {
341 45432 : auto first = it_;
342 45432 : it_ = std::find_if_not(it_, end_, cond);
343 45432 : return {first, it_};
344 : }
345 :
346 : /// Returns the range of chars: [last_extracted_char, cond == true].
347 : /// cond is not applied to last_extracted_char.
348 : template <typename Cond>
349 2724545 : std::pair<const char*, const char*> read_token(Cond cond) {
350 2724545 : assert(it_ != begin_);
351 2724545 : auto first = it_ - 1;
352 2724545 : it_ = std::find_if_not(it_, end_, cond);
353 2724545 : return {first, it_};
354 : }
355 : };
356 :
357 : } // namespace pgn_impl
358 :
359 : namespace pgn {
360 :
361 : /**
362 : * Read a PGN game from memory, grouping characters in tokens and dispatching
363 : * them to a PGN parser.
364 : * @param input: the memory range containing the PGN game.
365 : * @param parser: will receive the tokens via visitPGN_* functions.
366 : * Parsing is aborted if it returns false.
367 : * @returns a std::pair containing the number of chars parsed, and true if at
368 : * least a tag-pair token or a symbol token was dispatched.
369 : */
370 : template <typename TVisitor>
371 2070 : std::pair<std::size_t, bool> parse_game(pgn_impl::InputMemory input,
372 : TVisitor&& parser) {
373 2070 : int section = -1;
374 8011009 : do {
375 8013079 : if (input.eof()) {
376 30 : if (section >= 0)
377 12 : parser.visitPGN_inputEOF();
378 30 : break;
379 : }
380 8013049 : } while (pgn_impl::parse_token(input.sbumpc(), input, parser, section));
381 :
382 2070 : return {input.n_read(), section >= 0};
383 : }
384 :
385 : /**
386 : * Normalize white spaces and converts Latin-1 chars to UTF-8 sequences.
387 : *
388 : * The original PGN standard used a subset of ISO 8859/1 (Latin 1):
389 : * "Code value from 0 to 126 are the standard ASCII character set."
390 : * "Code value from 127 to 191 are not used for PGN data representation."
391 : * "Code value from 192 to 255 are mostly alphabetic printing characters with
392 : * various diacritical marks; their use is encouraged for those languages
393 : * that require such characters."
394 : * However this do not allow internationalization for comments and names
395 : * (players, sites, etc...); the common UTF-8 is a superior alternative.
396 : * @param unescape: if true converts \\ to \ and \" to ".
397 : * @param str: the string to be normalized.
398 : * @param pos: start of the substring of @e str that will be normalized.
399 : * @returns the number of '\n' chars in @e str.
400 : */
401 : template <bool unescape = false, typename TString>
402 235002 : std::size_t normalize(TString& str, std::size_t pos) {
403 235002 : std::size_t n_newlines = 0;
404 33953079 : for (std::size_t i = pos, n = str.size(); i < n; ++i) {
405 33718077 : unsigned char ch = str[i];
406 : // An invalid UTF-8 sequence is considered a Latin1 char and converted.
407 33718077 : if (ch > 0xBF) {
408 772 : unsigned char nxt = (i + 1 != n) ? str[i + 1] : 0;
409 772 : if (nxt < 0x80 || nxt > 0xBF) {
410 231 : str[i] = static_cast<unsigned char>(ch & 0xBF);
411 231 : str.insert(str.begin() + i, static_cast<unsigned char>(0xC3));
412 231 : ++i;
413 231 : ++n;
414 : }
415 33717305 : } else if (ch == '\n' || ch == '\r' || ch == '\t' || ch == '\v') {
416 800 : if (ch == '\n')
417 725 : ++n_newlines;
418 :
419 : // Tab and new line characters are removed if there is an adjacent
420 : // space, or converted to a normal space otherwise.
421 2390 : if (i == pos || // First char
422 1570 : (i + 1) == n || // Last char
423 1706 : str[i - 1] == ' ' || // Preceded by a space
424 126 : pgn_impl::is_PGNwhitespace(str[i + 1])) // Followed by a space
425 : {
426 699 : str.erase(i, 1);
427 699 : --i;
428 699 : --n;
429 : } else {
430 101 : str[i] = ' ';
431 : }
432 61056 : } else if (unescape && ch == '\\' && i + 1 != n) {
433 : // "A quote inside a string is represented by the backslash
434 : // immediately followed by a quote. A backslash inside a string is
435 : // represented by two adjacent backslashes."
436 32 : if (str[i + 1] == '\\' || str[i + 1] == '"') {
437 5 : str.erase(i, 1);
438 5 : --n;
439 : }
440 : }
441 : }
442 235002 : return n_newlines;
443 : }
444 :
445 : /**
446 : * Escape quote and backslash chars according to the PGN standard:
447 : * "A quote inside a string is represented by the backslash immediately followed
448 : * by a quote. A backslash inside a string is represented by two adjacent
449 : * backslashes."
450 : * @param str: the string containing the chars to be escaped.
451 : * @param pos: start of the substring of @e str to be processed.
452 : */
453 : template <typename TString> void escape_string(TString& str, std::size_t pos) {
454 : auto it = str.begin() + pos;
455 : while (true) {
456 : it = std::find_if(it, str.end(),
457 : [](char ch) { return ch == '\\' || ch == '\"'; });
458 : if (it != str.end())
459 : it = str.insert(it, '\\') + 2;
460 : else
461 : break;
462 : }
463 : }
464 :
465 : /**
466 : * Trim leading and trailing white spaces.
467 : * @param str: the string to trim.
468 : * @returns the number of '\n' chars in @e str.
469 : */
470 224042 : template <typename TView> std::size_t trim(TView& str) {
471 224042 : std::size_t n_newlines = 0;
472 1398747 : auto is_space = [&n_newlines](char ch) {
473 811412 : if (ch == '\n') {
474 363293 : ++n_newlines;
475 448119 : } else if (ch != ' ' && ch != '\r' && ch != '\t' && ch != '\v') {
476 448082 : return false;
477 : }
478 363330 : return true;
479 : };
480 224042 : str.first = std::find_if_not(str.first, str.second, is_space);
481 :
482 : using RevIt = std::reverse_iterator<decltype(str.first)>;
483 224042 : str.second =
484 : std::find_if_not(RevIt(str.second), RevIt(str.first), is_space).base();
485 :
486 224042 : return n_newlines;
487 : }
488 :
489 : } // namespace pgn
490 :
491 : #endif // _PGN_LEXER_H