Scid  4.7.0
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CCodecMemoryManages memory databases that do not have associated files
 CCodecNativeThis class stores the pointers to the Index and NameBase objects used by a native codec
 CCodecProxyBase class for non-native databases
 CCodecSCID4This class manages databases encoded in SCID format v4
 CecoTranslateTECO Classification functions
 CFilebufAdds some helper functions to std::filebuf:
 CFilebufAppendOptimizes std::filebuf for random-access reading
 CHFilterInvertedClass HFilterInverted - iterate through games excluded from a filter
 CICodecDatabaseThis interface separates the logic of a database from its representation
 CMaterialCountStore the number of pieces for each type and color
 CNameBaseThis class stores the database's names (players, events, sites and rounds)
 CNameNormalizerClass NameNormalizer - apply general corrections to a name
 CPBookA PBook is a collection of chess positions, each with the corresponding ECO code, a mnemonic name, and the list of moves to reach the position
 CPgnParseLogFormat and store errors
 CPgnVisitorThis class implements a PGN "visitor" that invokes the appropriate member functions of the associated Game object for each type of PGN token
 CPieceListStore the type and position of the pieces compatibly with the SCID4 coding
 CPlayerEloClass PlayerElo - elo ratings of a player
 CPlayerInfoClass PlayerInfo - player informations
 CSearchPosSearch for an exact position (same material in the same squares)
 CSearchTournamentsClass SearchTournamens - Search tournaments in a database
 CSortCacheThis class sorts games contained into an Index
 CSpellCheckerClass SpellChecker - name spelling
 CSpellChkLoaderClass SpellChkLoader - load data into a SpellChecker object
 CStrRangeClass StrRange - parse a string interpreting its content as 1 or 2 integers separated by whitespace
 CTourneyClass Tourney - Calculate information about a tournament
 CTourneyGameClass TourneyGame - Private class used by Tourney and SearchTournaments
 CUI_ListAn heterogeneous container used to pass a list of values from c++ to UI
 CUndoRedoA container useful for implementing a undo-redo behavior
 CVectorChunkedA vector-like container