►Nboard | |
►Nfile | |
►Ngamepos | |
CGamePos | |
►Npgn_impl | |
CInputMemory | |
►Nsearch | |
►Ntk | |
►Ndialog | |
►Ntools | |
►Ngraphs | |
►Ntree | |
►NUI_impl | |
CList | |
Ctcl_Progress | |
Ctcl_ProgressPosMask | |
►Nutils | |
►Nwindows | |
CByteBuffer | |
CcachedTreeT | |
CclashT | |
CcmpMove | |
CCodecMemory | Manages memory databases that do not have associated files |
CCodecNative | This class stores the pointers to the Index and NameBase objects used by a native codec |
CCodecPgn | |
CCodecProxy | Base class for non-native databases |
CCodecSCID4 | This class manages databases encoded in SCID format v4 |
CCompressedFilter | |
CCrosstable | |
CDString | |
CdupCriteriaT | |
CecoTranslateT | ECO Classification functions |
CEngine | |
CFastBoard | |
CFastGame | |
CFilebuf | Adds some helper functions to std::filebuf: |
CFilebufAppend | Optimizes std::filebuf for random-access reading |
CFilter | |
CFullMove | |
CGame | |
CgNumListT | |
►CHFilter | |
Cconst_iterator | Class const_iterator - iterator for HFilter objects |
CHFilterInverted | Class HFilterInverted - iterate through games excluded from a filter |
ChtmlStyleT | |
CICodecDatabase | This interface separates the logic of a database from its representation |
CIndex | |
CIndexEntry | |
CMaterialCount | Store the number of pieces for each type and color |
CMoveList | |
CmoveOrderT | |
CmoveT | |
CNameBase | This class stores the database's names (players, events, sites and rounds) |
CNameNormalizer | Class NameNormalizer - apply general corrections to a name |
COpLine | |
CopSortT | |
COpTable | |
CpatternT | |
CpawnTableEntryT | |
CPBook | A PBook is a collection of chess positions, each with the corresponding ECO code, a mnemonic name, and the list of moves to reach the position |
CPgnParseLog | Format and store errors |
CPgnVisitor | This class implements a PGN "visitor" that invokes the appropriate member functions of the associated Game object for each type of PGN token |
CPieceList | Store the type and position of the pieces compatibly with the SCID4 coding |
CPlayerActivity | |
CplayerDataT | |
CPlayerElo | Class PlayerElo - elo ratings of a player |
CplayerFreqT | |
CPlayerInfo | Class PlayerInfo - player informations |
CPListSort | |
CPosition | |
CprincipalVarT | |
►CProgress | |
CImpl | |
CrepeatT | |
CsanListT | |
►CscidBaseT | |
►CStats | |
CEco | |
CTreeStat | |
CSearchPos | Search for an exact position (same material in the same squares) |
CSearchTournaments | Class SearchTournamens - Search tournaments in a database |
CsimpleMoveT | |
CSortCache | This class sorts games contained into an Index |
CSpellChecker | Class SpellChecker - name spelling |
CSpellChkLoader | Class SpellChkLoader - load data into a SpellChecker object |
CsqDir_Init | |
CSquareList | |
CSquareSet | |
CStoredLine | |
CStrRange | Class StrRange - parse a string interpreting its content as 1 or 2 integers separated by whitespace |
CTextBuffer | |
CTimer | |
►CTourney | Class Tourney - Calculate information about a tournament |
CPlayer | |
CTourneyGame | Class TourneyGame - Private class used by Tourney and SearchTournaments |
CtransTableEntryT | |
CTreeCache | |
CtreeNodeT | |
CtreeT | |
CUI_List | An heterogeneous container used to pass a list of values from c++ to UI |
CUndoRedo | A container useful for implementing a undo-redo behavior |
CVectorChunked | A vector-like container |