This is the complete list of members for Game, including all inherited members.
accessMoveComment() | Game | inline |
accessTagValue(const char *tag, size_t tagLen) | Game | |
AddMove(const simpleMoveT *sm) | Game | |
AddNag(byte nag) | Game | |
AddPgnStyle(uint mask) | Game | inline |
AddPgnTag(const char *tag, const char *value) | Game | |
AddVariation() | Game | |
AtEnd() const | Game | inline |
AtStart() const | Game | inline |
AtVarEnd() const | Game | inline |
AtVarStart() const | Game | inline |
Clear() | Game | |
ClearExtraTags() | Game | inline |
ClearNags() | Game | inline |
clone() | Game | |
CommentEmpty(const char *comment) | Game | |
currentLocation() const | Game | inline |
currentPos() const | Game | inline |
Decode(ByteBuffer *buf, byte flags) | Game | |
DecodeNextMove(ByteBuffer *buf, simpleMoveT *sm) | Game | |
DecodeStart(ByteBuffer *buf, bool decodeTags=false) | Game | |
DecodeTags(ByteBuffer *buf, bool storeTags) | Game | |
DeleteVariation() | Game | |
Encode(ByteBuffer *buf, IndexEntry *ie) | Game | |
ExactMatch(Position *pos, ByteBuffer *buf, simpleMoveT *sm, gameExactMatchT searchType, bool *neverMatch) | Game | |
ExactMatch(Position *pos, ByteBuffer *buf, simpleMoveT *sm) | Game | inline |
ExactMatch(Position *pos, ByteBuffer *buf, simpleMoveT *sm, bool *neverMatch) | Game | inline |
ExactMatch(Position *pos, ByteBuffer *buf, simpleMoveT *sm, gameExactMatchT searchType) | Game | inline |
FindExtraTag(const char *tag) const | Game | |
FirstVariation() | Game | |
Game() | Game | inline |
GetAverageElo() | Game | |
GetBlackElo() const | Game | inline |
GetBlackEstimateElo() const | Game | inline |
GetBlackRatingType() const | Game | inline |
GetBlackStr() const | Game | inline |
GetCurrentMove() | Game | inline |
GetCurrentPly() const | Game | inline |
GetCurrentPos() | Game | inline |
GetDate() const | Game | inline |
GetEco() const | Game | inline |
GetEventDate() const | Game | inline |
GetEventStr() const | Game | inline |
GetExtraTags() const | Game | inline |
GetHtmlStyle() | Game | inline |
GetLocationInPGN() const | Game | |
GetMoveComment() const | Game | inline |
GetNags() const | Game | inline |
GetNextMoveUCI(char *str) | Game | |
GetNextNags() const | Game | inline |
GetNextSAN() | Game | |
GetNumHalfMoves() | Game | inline |
GetNumVariations() const | Game | inline |
GetPartialMoveList(DString *str, uint plyCount) | Game | |
GetPgnOffset() const | Game | |
GetPgnStyle() | Game | inline |
GetPreviousMoveComment() const | Game | inline |
GetPrevMoveUCI(char *str) const | Game | |
GetPrevSAN(char *str) | Game | |
GetResult() const | Game | inline |
GetRoundStr() const | Game | inline |
GetSAN(char *str) | Game | |
GetSiteStr() const | Game | inline |
GetVarLevel() const | Game | inline |
GetVarNumber() const | Game | inline |
GetWhiteElo() const | Game | inline |
GetWhiteEstimateElo() const | Game | inline |
GetWhiteRatingType() const | Game | inline |
GetWhiteStr() const | Game | inline |
HasNonStandardStart(char *outFEN=nullptr) const | Game | inline |
IsColorFormat() | Game | inline |
IsHtmlFormat() | Game | inline |
IsLatexFormat() | Game | inline |
IsPlainFormat() | Game | inline |
LoadStandardTags(const IndexEntry *ie, const NameBase *nb) | Game | |
MainVariation() | Game | |
MaterialMatch(ByteBuffer *buf, byte *min, byte *max, patternT *pattern, int minPly, int maxPly, int matchLength, bool oppBishops, bool sameBishops, int minDiff, int maxDiff) | Game | |
MoveBackup() | Game | |
MoveExitVariation() | Game | |
MoveForward() | Game | |
MoveForwardInPGN() | Game | |
MoveIntoVariation(uint varNumber) | Game | |
MoveToLocationInPGN(unsigned stopLocation) | Game | |
MoveToPly(int hmNumber) | Game | inline |
MoveToStart() | Game | |
PgnFormatFromString(const char *str, gameFormatT *fmt) | Game | static |
RemoveExtraTag(const char *tag) | Game | |
RemoveNag(bool isMoveNag) | Game | |
RemovePgnStyle(uint mask) | Game | inline |
ResetPgnStyle(void) | Game | inline |
ResetPgnStyle(uint flag) | Game | inline |
restoreLocation(const GameSavedPos &savedPos) | Game | inline |
SetBlackElo(eloT elo) | Game | inline |
SetBlackRatingType(byte b) | Game | inline |
SetBlackStr(const char *str) | Game | inline |
SetDate(dateT date) | Game | inline |
SetEco(ecoT eco) | Game | inline |
SetEventDate(dateT date) | Game | inline |
SetEventStr(const char *str) | Game | inline |
SetHtmlStyle(uint style) | Game | inline |
SetMoveComment(const char *comment) | Game | |
SetPgnFormat(gameFormatT gf) | Game | inline |
SetPgnFormatFromString(const char *str) | Game | |
SetPgnStyle(uint mask, bool setting) | Game | inline |
setRating(colorT col, const char *ratingType, size_t ratingTypeLen, std::pair< const char *, const char *> rating) | Game | |
SetResult(resultT res) | Game | inline |
SetRoundStr(const char *str) | Game | inline |
SetScidFlags(const char *s, size_t len) | Game | inline |
SetScidFlags(const char *s) | Game | inline |
SetSiteStr(const char *str) | Game | inline |
SetStartFen(const char *fenStr) | Game | |
SetWhiteElo(eloT elo) | Game | inline |
SetWhiteRatingType(byte b) | Game | inline |
SetWhiteStr(const char *str) | Game | inline |
strip(bool variations, bool comments, bool NAGs) | Game | |
Truncate() | Game | |
TruncateStart() | Game | |
VarExactMatch(Position *searchPos, gameExactMatchT searchType) | Game | |
WriteComment(TextBuffer *tb, const char *preStr, const char *comment, const char *postStr) | Game | |
WriteMoveList(TextBuffer *tb, moveT *oldCurrentMove, bool printMoveNum, bool inComment) | Game | |
WriteToPGN(uint lineWidth=0, bool NewLineAtEnd=false, bool newLineToSpaces=true) | Game |