4 if { ! [
file isdirectory $::scidBooksDir]} {
5 tk_messageBox -title "Scid" -type ok -icon warning -message "Books directory not found"
16 global noveltyBase noveltyOlder
17 set noveltyBase [
sc_base current]
19 if {[
winfo exists $w]} {
24 wm title $w "Scid: $::tr(FindNovelty)"
26 pack [ttk::frame $w.help] -side top -fill x
27 ttk::label $w.help.text -wraplength 3i -justify left -text $::tr(NoveltyHelp)
28 pack $w.help.text -side left -fill x -expand yes
29 ttk::labelframe $w.bases -text $::tr(Database)
30 pack $w.bases -side top -fill x -pady 5
32 pack [ttk::frame $w.bases.del]
34 ttk::labelframe $w.which -text $::tr(TwinsWhich)
35 pack $w.which -side top -fill x -pady 5
36 ttk::radiobutton $w.which.all -text $::tr(SelectAllGames) \
37 -variable noveltyOlder -value 0
38 ttk::radiobutton $w.which.older -text $::tr(SelectOlderGames) \
39 -variable noveltyOlder -value 1
40 pack $w.which.all $w.which.older -side top -anchor w -fill x
42 pack [ttk::frame $w.b] -side top -fill x
45 progressWindow "Scid" "$::tr(FindNovelty)" $::tr(Cancel)
47 set err [catch {sc_game novelty -older $noveltyBase} result]
49 set err [catch {sc_game novelty $noveltyBase} result]
56 tk_messageBox -message "[tr NoveltyNone]"
62 catch {destroy .noveltyWin}
67 bind $w <KeyPress-1> "$w.b1 invoke"
68 bind $w <KeyPress-2> "$w.b2 invoke"
69 bind $w <KeyPress-3> "$w.b3 invoke"
70 bind $w <KeyPress-4> "$w.b4 invoke"
74 proc updateNoveltyWin {} {
76 if {! [
winfo exists $w]} {
77 $w.which.older configure -text "$::tr(SelectOlderGames) (< [
sc_game info date])"
78 catch {
destroy $w.bases.del}
79 pack [
frame $w.bases.del] -anchor w
81 set name [
file tail [
sc_base filename $i]]
83 set txt "Base $i: $name ($ng $::tr(games))"
84 ttk::radiobutton $w.bases.del.b$i -text "$txt" -variable noveltyBase -value $i -underline 5
85 if {$ng == 0} { $w.bases.del.b$i configure -state disabled}
86 pack $w.bases.del.b$i -side top -anchor w -fill x
96 proc mergeGame {base gnum} {
100 set err [
catch {
sc_game merge $base $gnum} result]
103 tk_messageBox -title "Scid" -type ok -icon info \
104 -message "Unable to merge the selected game:\n$result"
107 set merge(base) $base
108 set merge(gnum) $gnum
111 wm title $w "Scid: $::tr(MergeGame)"
112 bind $w <Escape> "$w.b.cancel invoke"
113 bind $w <F1> {helpWindow GameList Browsing}
114 ttk::label $w.title -text $::tr(Preview:) -font font_Bold -anchor center
115 pack $w.title -side top -fill x
116 pack [ttk::frame $w.b] -side bottom -fill x
118 text $w.f.text -background white -wrap word -width 60 -height 20 \
119 -font font_Small -yscrollcommand "$w.f.ybar set"
120 ttk::scrollbar $w.f.ybar -takefocus 0 -command "$w.f.text yview"
121 event generate $w.f.text <ButtonRelease-1>
122 pack $w.f.ybar -side right -fill y
123 pack $w.f.text -side left -fill both -expand yes
124 pack $w.f -fill both -expand yes
126 ttk::label $w.b.label -text "Up to move:" -font $small
127 pack $w.b.label -side left
128 foreach i {5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 500} {
134 set label_width [
string length $label]
136 ttk::button $w.b.m$i -text $label -width $label_width -padding 0 \
137 -command "updateMergeGame $w $i"
138 pack $w.b.m$i -side left
142 sc_game merge $merge(base) $merge(gnum) $merge(ply)
143 catch {grab release .mergeDialog}
148 -command "catch {grab release $w}; destroy $w"
154 proc updateMergeGame {{w} {n_moves}} {
156 if {! [
winfo exists $w]} {
159 set widget [
expr $merge(ply) / 2]
160 $w.b.m$widget state !pressed
161 $w.b.m$n_moves state pressed
162 set merge(ply) [
expr {$n_moves * 2}]
165 sc_game merge $merge(base) $merge(gnum) $merge(ply)
166 set pgn [
sc_game pgn -indentV 1 -short 1 -width 60]
168 $w.f.text configure -state normal
169 $w.f.text tag configure red -foreground darkRed
170 $w.f.text tag configure blue -foreground darkBlue
171 $w.f.text delete 1.0 end
172 foreach line [
split $pgn "\n"] {
173 if {[
string index $line 0] == " "} {
174 $w.f.text insert end $line blue
176 $w.f.text insert end $line
178 $w.f.text insert end "\n"
180 $w.f.text tag add red 1.0 4.0
182 $w.f.text configure -state disabled
189 proc setExportText {exportType} {
190 global exportStartFile exportEndFile
192 switch -- $exportType {
194 set title "Set PGN file export text"
197 set title "Set HTML file export text"
200 set title "Set LaTeX file export text"
207 set w .setExportText$exportType
208 if {[
winfo exists $w]} {
210 wm title $w "Scid: $title"
212 ttk::frame $w.buttons
213 pack $w.buttons -side bottom -fill x -anchor e
217 pack $pane -side top -expand true -fill both
218 foreach f [list $pane.start $pane.end] type {start end} {
219 ttk::label $f.title -font font_Bold -text "Text at $type of $exportType file:"
220 text $f.text -wrap none -background white \
221 -yscroll "$f.ybar set" -xscroll "$f.xbar set"
222 ttk::scrollbar $f.ybar -orient vertical -command "$f.text yview"
223 ttk::scrollbar $f.xbar -orient horizontal -command "$f.text xview"
224 bind $f.text <FocusIn> {%W configure -background lightYellow}
225 bind $f.text <FocusOut> {%W configure -background white}
226 grid $f.title -row 0 -column 0 -sticky w
227 grid $f.text -row 1 -column 0 -sticky nesw
228 grid $f.ybar -row 1 -column 1 -sticky nesw
229 grid $f.xbar -row 2 -column 0 -sticky nesw
230 grid rowconfig $f 1 -weight 1 -minsize 0
231 grid columnconfig $f 0 -weight 1 -minsize 0
234 $pane.start.text insert end $exportStartFile($exportType)
235 $pane.end.text insert end $exportEndFile($exportType)
237 ttk::button $w.buttons.default -text "Reset to Default" -command "
238 $pane.start.text delete 1.0 end
239 $pane.start.text insert end \$default_exportStartFile($exportType)
240 $pane.end.text delete 1.0 end
241 $pane.end.text insert end \$default_exportEndFile($exportType)
244 set exportStartFile($exportType) \[$pane.start.text get 1.0 end-1c\]
245 set exportEndFile($exportType) \[$pane.end.text get 1.0 end-1c\]
249 dialogbutton $w.buttons.cancel -text $::tr(Cancel) -command "focus .; destroy $w"
250 pack $w.buttons.default -side left -padx 5 -pady 2
252 focus $pane.start.text
255 image create photo htmldiag0 -data {
256 R0lGODdhbgBkAIAAAAAAAP///ywAAAAAbgBkAAAC/oyPqcvtD6OctNqLs968+w+G4kiW5omm
257 6moAgQu/ckzPdo3fes7vfv5wsYQtBFF2OCqNzCPrs4xEi0mQEyWcApxbqhfpvYa2ZCNZeQ4y
258 k122YgqGNs7oMtu+aH9f6XT1vydm5ddCyIenlkB3KAgnePFIJzm5yECkRVmpuPbokflpaLl2
259 eKeHCNcRCQo6F3e52qY3Gve04QhbJkvrGYQb+jbrB8sHaJPi25mnGItLvDmRnLwnCpH1luUb
260 WGwpLdUsIdaFHLtdHe09bM45Lkw9p4uRXfHKbseFntibnk9fT/4XDR6kb+BKsfrkrFuhc+b2
261 OYhh0J+1Z+8U6ltVMGIm/kaTpnnL95DgQzPpMC6RJtCCPArMOmqsNDFjq4YYq5lZGKokxZEc
262 Vtok5pIkwl2p0NXsZZDUsmH3fmpIuWxeUKEHy828yo0dT6p5sk3sZrGrP6dWx3kMCRKYykhE
263 xcpD1fWpxK1tOX4LK9OtVneuliKjAnEEIqkMA9UrgjctTokCY+4a29fvL6OM2ZabW3co1peH
264 rwVb3DmM5lpSRlV2DHryrGPFEidqShrS59azz2Zw/TTyF0e168aG1ps3bRG4bz8pvqmH8h/M
265 lztvDj0wVuG7g/sW3Bv48Orbr7Purky3eOpgkMsenxcuX/XHs3NzzzG8NsJQ38EnG2Uq+rWa
266 /s7bVrvfRtwBxhIlLHWnEHUCklegfumtpgx5AloHjYHAMTjdahbeB46D+EG4Hoj68YaXh3Sx
267 B9IVrADo3TUTHmjVTHA5pFuCR70G4oeSaYZiRTemyGJcw72lIWWj2TckjKLRKN5FKypZHj/B
268 iBQZWFS6g2GIVI3Wo15HApljFTMSlKWLP4oyo45L8himkxuq2eJ+nKV0UoUvgvlfhmb2x2FI
269 JsL505hPDmjjoDx1qeWWEyK655d6tunMNGbt5N2kaF0Wlop7DejnX9qRJGWj++TnJpMUhVPf
270 bJhBOqehWqompmmQgbejT8Bgkup4s8aZ2pU71VGYK4xVp8qqLAJriREXw1LqpaV0xXeoqJ4C
271 Uuyuz2g62KvL5tnqmb8uhhS128Imra03iZvtsz2xikU8CFLInXkqvVsavZwyekKZTcArZ5Pt
272 6vutvf3GBjC7VrRX1HMKR8fwwg4bo26+/Eq4729FCUyxHEPcO7FpFtvSscC8DJExx9vI+3G/
273 JfNK1ncqh4zybyuvLEEBADs=
276 image create photo htmldiag1 -data {
278 i5WVlaCgoKqqqrW1tcDAwMrKytXV1eDg4Orq6vX19f//////////////////////////////
279 /ywAAAAAbgBkAAAF/iAmjmRpnmiqrmzrvnAsz3Rt33iu73zv/8CgcEgsGo/IJBGAYTqb0Kc0
280 Sp1aq9irNst9vphLkYWAEFEEkFGEIkIQLJhxGUMhsDGQ9wis7MnNaCducH90diJ5cBgVQ3xC
281 AIVnaSMLiHqRh3h6GAgNUCsRBgd3NRIAp3ymqKcMe6gSKQdzkiIScAYKJJh3iW1zLBWoAzGO
282 GKqnI8eorSKrsCcAk7QiDG8GAA4kjIa8mwi/xSbKN8oS5g6rpwnm5SvTcAwAA6gFtrrbvZy/
285 7PmRYwlFQ0lNOLXQwqoEjCaczEZn5j8VFU7i1CnoFLu7eM1tVAEmLIl5AARYMJuu1RkAv8a8
287 dfwYRzzNy1gguDOoCS+uZdARsEo0BYWPpE38Bs56BZ/iwQrcudazZr+IEZp/KjF9YI7ymlur
292 sEkbAyGxEI6JQBkg6qikjnoKoweJsOMiFBAKJSBc6bUQCYzFQ+YpA8xaQ0oUouROJiiEp5le
296 5IVlHzLIhOZbM2CKKQ8M7wCG0orZTNwlZAAilHiCIu3117R2IfYWZI9tdtlo0xBJILldTUjW
297 3FhirhFrb42bh3VbLYICB7w9Syb5MBK1DgbDPdIducCQd9snUKAmtXK3YW0Ri1smw2SzsG05
298 HUTfB/nH/vo088IDpzUwN1+BHk7C3SxIo3lzjGzlDwYXAP6y4usGxvoKrtutKieDh22b75xU
299 IJpKcOBzu+grp1MAaaoXL5oM0SPwPIgGRSxGpyrgHHwJ1V+PzBfV63E8KttEcPsY3rYAYlaS
300 lQ/H9DB4xjgGCyygyAPwAWUu1fByQVMG4pUV2M8y+dvfSXQCFq7F4QG5UwlEKCGVfzCsAg3o
301 3yqqxCfrNPBuFoDgi2RgmQTAQVhceYouAtg8zRTgaY1qjgkZokG6vKYVlAIOn6qGhwShAGDU
302 EYyQbmghBr3gNXpYWArtRLwTTGxACeBdc4qjxO81w18ZMkavTqi3rlGjV8tJ/gFi3KZF/SRt
303 ExSQWTqUVar7bO4EDyhVBOVRKsrYBI1qtOInisOjg6zCXiWwjOBa4BGVpSqLfRyRHtuANfuQ
304 Ih2AZA5xDCmRgVDSBHzMRH1coZMI+c0MmcjhKdRFvOIED4j06CTW/nYHAcVAf2hi5QjmWIkH
305 lBJVK3hiOjrYAljuYpbj81AsQUmK5wwkJ5JkJEwGl68oCvOXZhgh7mRJCYdACYmE4B4KqhiY
311 QEDicPBGIsCSE6PFwXUqwoALiCACbmrAJJrCJwq0tote/MFqxXBbhugsaRXsYiYz10QlALCU
312 OwPCImmwXLqk7blniy50waebXN1qTbgeHd5elfZQsN1Afg5NyPpOJ7UiGOh1/STudqWSIu/i
313 AL0Nrdz6WMgz815zitkVb2iD21331gCb4dXcfJlW3zAAWL77dYsZBunf/+KXpfr1GQ/rgNTy
314 LuHBARbKgInZ3wbDYBvDvS7ojsvhMJg4xNodMX8/12EPvwDFEQ7d0kqMgMQSzrwwFnCCZxy3
315 LDbXxfnVsYQD+Dn2PMK8M1GvihXcYyP/2MUIHjJF40veGy8hyjKecCYyKSUYhAAAOw==
321 proc exportOptions {exportType} {
324 set w .exportFlagsWin
325 set exportFlags(ok) -1
327 wm title $w "Scid: [
tr OptionsExport]"
329 wm protocol $w WM_DELETE_WINDOW { }
330 bind $w <Escape> "$w.b.cancel invoke"
331 bind $w <Return> "$w.b.ok invoke"
332 bind $w <F1> {helpWindow Export}
334 pack [ttk::frame $w.o] -side top -fill x
335 ttk::checkbutton $w.o.append -variable exportFlags(append) -offvalue 0 -onvalue 1 -textvar ::tr(AddToExistingFile)
336 ttk::checkbutton $w.o.comments -variable exportFlags(comments) -offvalue 0 -onvalue 1 -textvar ::tr(ExportComments)
337 ttk::checkbutton $w.o.stripMarks -variable exportFlags(stripMarks) -offvalue 0 -onvalue 1 -textvar ::tr(ExportStripMarks)
338 ttk::checkbutton $w.o.indentc -variable exportFlags(indentc) -offvalue 0 -onvalue 1 -textvar ::tr(IndentComments)
339 ttk::checkbutton $w.o.vars -variable exportFlags(vars) -offvalue 0 -onvalue 1 -textvar ::tr(ExportVariations)
340 ttk::checkbutton $w.o.indentv -variable exportFlags(indentv) -offvalue 0 -onvalue 1 -textvar ::tr(IndentVariations)
341 ttk::checkbutton $w.o.column -variable exportFlags(column) -offvalue 0 -onvalue 1 -textvar ::tr(ExportColumnStyle)
342 ttk::checkbutton $w.o.symbols -variable exportFlags(symbols) -offvalue 0 -onvalue 1 -text "$::tr(ExportSymbolStyle) ! +="
343 grid $w.o.append -row 0 -column 0 -sticky w
344 grid $w.o.comments -row 1 -column 0 -sticky w
345 grid $w.o.stripMarks -row 2 -column 0 -sticky w
346 grid $w.o.indentc -row 3 -column 0 -sticky w
347 grid $w.o.vars -row 4 -column 0 -sticky w
348 grid $w.o.indentv -row 5 -column 0 -sticky w
349 grid $w.o.column -row 6 -column 0 -sticky w
350 grid $w.o.symbols -row 7 -column 0 -sticky w
353 if {$exportType == "PGN"} {
354 ttk::checkbutton $w.o.nullMoves -variable exportFlags(convertNullMoves) -offvalue 0 -onvalue 1 -textvar ::tr(ConvertNullMove)
355 grid $w.o.nullMoves -row 8 -column 0 -sticky w
359 if {$exportType == "HTML"} {
360 ttk::label $w.o.hdiag -text "Diagram"
361 ttk::radiobutton $w.o.hb0 -text "bitmaps" \
362 -variable exportFlags(htmldiag) -value 0
363 ttk::radiobutton $w.o.hb1 -text "bitmaps2" \
364 -variable exportFlags(htmldiag) -value 1
365 ttk::label $w.o.hl0 -image htmldiag0
366 ttk::label $w.o.hl1 -image htmldiag1
367 grid $w.o.hdiag -row 8 -column 0 -sticky w
368 grid $w.o.hb0 -row 9 -column 0 -sticky w
369 grid $w.o.hb1 -row 9 -column 1 -sticky w
370 grid $w.o.hl0 -row 10 -column 0 -sticky w
371 grid $w.o.hl1 -row 10 -column 1 -sticky w
374 pack [ttk::frame $w.b] -side top -fill x
376 set exportFlags(ok) 1
379 set exportFlags(ok) 0
385 set x [
expr {[winfo screenwidth $w]/2 - [winfo reqwidth $w]/2 \
386 - [winfo vrootx [winfo parent $w]]}]
387 set y [
expr {[winfo screenheight $w]/2 - [winfo reqheight $w]/2 \
388 - [winfo vrooty [winfo parent $w]]}]
393 tkwait variable exportFlags(ok)
396 return $exportFlags(ok)
402 proc exportGames {selection exportType} {
403 global ::pgn::moveNumberSpaces exportStartFile exportEndFile exportFlags
404 if {$selection == "filter" && [
sc_filter count] == 0} {
405 tk_messageBox -title "Scid: Filter empty" -type ok -icon info \
406 -message "The filter contains no games."
411 sc_info html $exportFlags(htmldiag)
413 switch -- $exportType {
416 { "PGN files" {".pgn"} }
417 { "All files" {"*"} }
419 set title "a PGN file"
420 set idir $::initialDir(base)
425 { "HTML files" {".html" ".htm"} }
426 { "All files" {"*"} }
428 set title "an HTML file"
429 set idir $::initialDir(html)
434 { "LaTeX files" {".tex" ".ltx"} }
435 { "All files" {"*"} }
437 set title "a LaTeX file"
438 set idir $::initialDir(tex)
444 if {$exportFlags(append)} {
445 set getfile tk_getOpenFile
446 set title "Add games to $title"
448 set getfile tk_getSaveFile
449 set title "Create $title"
451 set fName [$getfile -initialdir $idir -filetypes $ftype -defaultextension $default -title $title]
452 if {$fName == ""} {
455 sc_base export $selection $exportType $fName -append $exportFlags(append) \
456 -starttext $exportStartFile($exportType) \
457 -endtext $exportEndFile($exportType) \
458 -comments $exportFlags(comments) -variations $exportFlags(vars) \
459 -space $::pgn::moveNumberSpaces -symbols $exportFlags(symbols) \
460 -indentC $exportFlags(indentc) -indentV $exportFlags(indentv) \
461 -column $exportFlags(column) -noMarkCodes $exportFlags(stripMarks) \
462 -convertNullMoves $exportFlags(convertNullMoves)
468 set date 0
set year 0
set month 0
set day 0
set white 0
set black 0
469 set resultVal 0
set event 0
set site 0
set round 0
470 set whiteElo 0
set blackElo 0
set eco 0
set extraTags ""
471 set whiteRType "Elo"
set blackRType "Elo"
472 set edate 0
set eyear 0
set emonth 0
set eday 0
476 trace variable resultVal w ::utils::validate::Result
477 trace variable whiteElo w {::utils::validate::Integer [sc_info limit elo] 0}
478 trace variable blackElo w {::utils::validate::Integer [sc_info limit elo] 0}
479 trace variable year w {::utils::validate::Integer [sc_info limit year] 1}
480 trace variable month w {::utils::validate::Integer 12 1}
481 trace variable day w {::utils::validate::Integer 31 1}
482 trace variable eyear w {::utils::validate::Integer [sc_info limit year] 1}
483 trace variable emonth w {::utils::validate::Integer 12 1}
484 trace variable eday w {::utils::validate::Integer 31 1}
490 array set nameMatches {}
497 proc updateMatchList { tw nametype maxMatches name el op } {
498 global nameMatches nameMatchCount
499 global $name editNameType
500 if {![
winfo exists $tw]}
return 502 if {$nametype == ""} {
set nametype $editNameType}
503 if {$nametype == "rating"} {
set nametype "player"}
505 $tw configure -state normal
508 catch {
set matches [
sc_name match $nametype $val $maxMatches]}
509 set count [
llength $matches]
510 set nameMatchCount [
expr {$count / 2}]
511 for {
set i 0} { $i < $count } {
incr i 2} {
512 set nameMatchCount [
expr {($i / 2) + 1}]
513 set nameMatches($nameMatchCount) [
lindex $matches [
expr {$i + 1}]]
514 set str "$nameMatchCount:\t[
lindex $matches $i]\t$nameMatches($nameMatchCount)\n"
517 $tw configure -state disabled
520 proc clearMatchList { tw } {
521 global nameMatches nameMatchCount
523 $tw configure -state normal
525 $tw configure -state disabled
530 trace variable event w { updateMatchList .save.g.list e 9 }
531 trace variable site w { updateMatchList .save.g.list s 9 }
532 trace variable white w { updateMatchList .save.g.list p 9 }
533 trace variable black w { updateMatchList .save.g.list p 9 }
534 trace variable round w { updateMatchList .save.g.list r 9 }
538 set editNameType "player"
539 set editNameSelect "all"
540 set editNameRating ""
541 set editNameRType "Elo"
545 trace variable editNameRating w {::utils::validate::Integer [sc_info limit elo] 0}
546 trace variable editName w { updateMatchList .nedit.g.list "" 9 }
547 trace variable editDate w ::utils::validate::Date
548 trace variable editDateNew w ::utils::validate::Date
550 proc editNameNewProc { tw nametype maxMatches name el op } {
552 if {! [
winfo exists .nedit]} {
553 if {[
string compare $editNameNew ""]} {
554 .nedit.buttons.replace configure -state normal
556 .nedit.buttons.replace configure -state disabled
561 trace variable editNameNew w { editNameNewProc .nedit.g.list "" 9 }
566 proc makeNameEditor {} {
570 proc setNameEditorType {type} {
571 if {! [
winfo exists .nedit]} {
572 catch {.nedit.typeButtons.$type invoke}
576 global editName editNameType editNameNew nameEditorWin editNameSelect
577 global editNameRating editDate editDateNew
580 if {[
winfo exists $w]} {
585 wm title $w "Scid: [
tr FileMaintNameEditor]"
588 bind $w <Configure> "recordWinSize $w"
590 ttk::labelframe $w.typeButtons -text $::tr(NameEditType)
591 pack $w.typeButtons -side top -fill x -anchor w
592 foreach i { "Player" "Event" "Site" "Round"} col {0 1 2 3} {
593 set j [
string tolower $i]
594 ttk::radiobutton $w.typeButtons.$j -textvar ::tr($i) -variable editNameType \
596 grid remove .nedit.g.ratingE
597 grid remove .nedit.g.rtype
598 grid remove .nedit.g.fromD
599 grid remove .nedit.g.toD
600 grid .nedit.g.toL -row 1 -column 1 -sticky e
601 grid .nedit.g.fromE -row 0 -column 2 -sticky w
602 grid .nedit.g.toE -row 1 -column 2 -sticky w
604 grid $w.typeButtons.$j -row 1 -column $col -sticky w -padx "0 5"
606 ttk::radiobutton $w.typeButtons.rating -textvar ::tr(Rating) -variable editNameType \
607 -value rating -command {
608 grid remove .nedit.g.toE
609 grid remove .nedit.g.toL
610 grid remove .nedit.g.fromD
611 grid remove .nedit.g.toD
612 grid .nedit.g.fromE -row 0 -column 2 -sticky w
613 grid .nedit.g.rtype -row 1 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky e
614 grid .nedit.g.ratingE -row 1 -column 2 -sticky w
616 grid $w.typeButtons.rating -row 2 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky w
617 ttk::radiobutton $w.typeButtons.date -textvar ::tr(Date) -variable editNameType \
618 -value date -command {
619 grid remove .nedit.g.toE
620 grid remove .nedit.g.fromE
621 grid remove .nedit.g.ratingE
622 grid remove .nedit.g.rtype
623 grid .nedit.g.fromD -row 0 -column 2 -sticky w
624 grid .nedit.g.toL -row 1 -column 1 -sticky e
625 grid .nedit.g.toD -row 1 -column 2 -sticky w
627 grid $w.typeButtons.date -row 2 -column 1 -sticky w -padx "0 5"
628 ttk::radiobutton $w.typeButtons.edate -textvar ::tr(EventDate) \
629 -variable editNameType -value edate \
631 grid remove .nedit.g.toE
632 grid remove .nedit.g.fromE
633 grid remove .nedit.g.ratingE
634 grid remove .nedit.g.rtype
635 grid .nedit.g.fromD -row 0 -column 2 -sticky w
636 grid .nedit.g.toL -row 1 -column 1 -sticky e
637 grid .nedit.g.toD -row 1 -column 2 -sticky w
639 grid $w.typeButtons.edate -row 2 -column 2 -sticky w -columnspan 2
641 ttk::labelframe $w.selectButtons -text $::tr(NameEditSelect)
642 pack $w.selectButtons -side top -fill x -pady 10
643 foreach i {all filter crosstable} row {0 1 2} text {
646 SelectTournamentGames
648 ttk::radiobutton $w.selectButtons.$i -textvar ::tr($text) \
649 -variable editNameSelect -value $i
650 grid $w.selectButtons.$i -row $row -column 0 -sticky w
653 pack [ttk::frame $w.g] -side top -fill x
654 ttk::label $w.g.fromL -textvar ::tr(NameEditReplace:) -font font_Bold -anchor e
655 ttk::entry $w.g.fromE -width 40 -textvariable editName
656 ttk::entry $w.g.fromD -width 15 -textvariable editDate
657 grid $w.g.fromL -row 0 -column 1 -sticky e
658 grid $w.g.fromE -row 0 -column 2 -sticky we
660 ttk::label $w.g.toL -textvar ::tr(NameEditWith:) -font font_Bold -anchor e
661 ttk::entry $w.g.toE -width 40 -textvariable editNameNew
662 ttk::entry $w.g.toD -width 15 -textvariable editDateNew
663 grid $w.g.toL -row 1 -column 1 -sticky e
664 grid $w.g.toE -row 1 -column 2 -sticky we
666 ttk::entry $w.g.ratingE -width 5 -textvariable editNameRating -justify right
667 set mlist [
split [
sc_info ratings] " "]
668 ttk::menubutton $w.g.rtype -textvariable editNameRType -menu $w.g.rtype.menu
671 $w.g.rtype.menu add radiobutton -variable editNameRType -label $m
674 ttk::label $w.g.title -textvar ::tr(NameEditMatches) \
676 text $w.g.list -height 9 -width 40 -relief sunken \
677 -background grey90 -tabs {2c right 2.5c left} -wrap none
679 grid $w.g.title -row 2 -column 1 -columnspan 2 -sticky n
680 grid $w.g.list -row 3 -column 1 -rowspan 9 -columnspan 2 -sticky e
684 foreach i {fromE toE ratingE fromD toD} {
685 bind $w.g.$i <FocusIn> { %W configure -background lightYellow }
686 bind $w.g.$i <FocusOut> { %W configure -background white }
688 foreach {i j} {.nedit.g.fromE "editName" .nedit.g.toE "editNameNew" } {
689 for {
set z 1} {$z <= 9} {
incr z} {
690 bind $i [
format "<Control-Key-%d>" $z] \
691 [
format "eval {if {\$nameMatchCount >= %d} { \
692 set %s \$nameMatches(%d)}}; break" $z $j $z]
696 ttk::frame $w.buttons
697 ttk::button $w.buttons.replace -textvar ::tr(NameEditReplace) -command {
698 if {$editNameType == "rating"} {
699 set err [catch {sc_name edit $editNameType $editNameSelect $editName $editNameRating $editNameRType} result]
700 } elseif {$editNameType == "date" || $editNameType == "edate"} {
701 set err [catch {sc_name edit $editNameType $editNameSelect $editDate $editDateNew} result]
703 set err [catch {sc_name edit $editNameType $editNameSelect $editName $editNameNew} result]
708 .nedit.status configure -text "Modified $result games."
712 ::windows::gamelist::Refresh
715 dialogbutton $w.buttons.cancel -textvar ::tr(Close) -command {focus .; destroy .nedit}
716 pack $w.buttons -fill x
719 ttk::label $w.status -text "" -width 1 -font font_Small -relief sunken -anchor w
720 pack $w.status -side bottom -fill x
723 bind $w <Escape> { focus .; destroy .nedit }
724 bind $w <Return> {.nedit.buttons.replace invoke}
725 bind $w <Destroy> {set nameEditorWin 0}
726 bind $w <F1> {helpWindow Maintenance Editing}
728 $w.typeButtons.$editNameType invoke
735 proc addGameSaveEntry { name row textname } {
736 ttk::label .save.g.label$name -textvar $textname
737 ttk::entry .save.g.entry$name -width 30 -textvariable $name
738 grid .save.g.label$name -row $row -column 0 -sticky w
739 grid .save.g.entry$name -row $row -column 1 -columnspan 7 -sticky w
747 proc gameSave { gnum } {
748 global date year month day white black resultVal event site round
749 global whiteElo blackElo whiteRType blackRType eco extraTags gsaveNum
750 global edate eyear emonth eday
754 if {[
winfo exists $w]} {
757 wm title $w "Scid: [
tr GameAdd]"
758 pack [ttk::frame $w.refdb] -side top -fill x -pady {0 10}
761 wm title $w "Scid: [
tr GameReplace]"
766 set f [ttk::frame $w.g]
767 pack $f -side top -anchor w
769 ttk::label $f.title -textvar ::tr(NameEditMatches)
770 text $f.list -height 9 -width 40 -relief sunken -background grey90 \
771 -tabs {2c right 2.5c left} -wrap none
775 set month [
sc_game tag get Month]
set emonth [
sc_game tag get EMonth]
777 set white [
sc_game tag get White]
set black [
sc_game tag get Black]
779 set resultVal [
sc_game tag get Result]
set round [
sc_game tag get Round]
780 set whiteElo [
sc_game tag get WhiteElo]
781 set blackElo [
sc_game tag get BlackElo]
782 set whiteRType [
sc_game tag get WhiteRType]
783 set blackRType [
sc_game tag get BlackRType]
785 set extraTags [
sc_game tag get Extra]
787 regsub -all {FlipB "[01]"\n} $extraTags {} extraTags
788 append extraTags "FlipB \"1\"\n"
790 regexp {FlipB "([01])"\n} $extraTags -> flipB
791 if {[
info exists flipB] && $flipB} {
792 regsub -all {FlipB "[01]"\n} $extraTags {} extraTags
798 if {$year == 0} {
set year "????"}
799 if {$month == 0} {
set month "??"}
800 if {$day == 0} {
set day "??"}
801 if {$eyear == 0} {
set eyear "????"}
802 if {$emonth == 0} {
set emonth "??"}
803 if {$eday == 0} {
set eday "??"}
808 ttk::frame $f.dateframe
809 ttk::label $f.datelabel -textvar ::tr(Date:)
810 ttk::entry $f.dateyear -width 6 -textvariable year -justify right
811 ttk::label $f.datedot1 -text "."
812 ttk::entry $f.datemonth -width 3 -textvariable month -justify right
813 ttk::label $f.datedot2 -text "."
814 ttk::entry $f.dateday -width 3 -textvariable day -justify right
815 grid $f.datelabel -row 2 -column 0 -sticky w
816 grid $f.dateframe -row 2 -column 1 -columnspan 5 -sticky w
817 ttk::button $f.datechoose -image tb_calendar -style Pad0.Small.TButton -command {
818 set newdate [::utils::date::chooser "$year-$month-$day"]
819 if {[llength $newdate] == 3} {
820 set year [lindex $newdate 0]
821 set month [lindex $newdate 1]
822 set day [lindex $newdate 2]
825 ttk::button $f.today -textvar ::tr(Today) -command {
826 set year [::utils::date::today year]
827 set month [::utils::date::today month]
828 set day [::utils::date::today day]
830 pack $f.dateyear $f.datedot1 $f.datemonth $f.datedot2 $f.dateday \
831 -in $f.dateframe -side left
832 if {$::tcl_version >= 8.3} {
833 pack $f.datechoose -in $f.dateframe -side left
835 pack $f.today -in $f.dateframe -side left
837 ttk::frame $f.edateframe
838 ttk::label $f.edatelabel -textvar ::tr(EventDate:)
839 ttk::entry $f.edateyear -width 6 -textvariable eyear -justify right
840 ttk::label $f.edatedot1 -text "."
841 ttk::entry $f.edatemonth -width 3 -textvariable emonth -justify right
842 ttk::label $f.edatedot2 -text "."
843 ttk::entry $f.edateday -width 3 -textvariable eday -justify right
844 grid $f.edatelabel -row 3 -column 0 -sticky w
845 grid $f.edateframe -row 3 -column 1 -columnspan 5 -sticky w
846 ttk::button $f.edatechoose -image tb_calendar -style Pad0.Small.TButton -command {
847 set newdate [::utils::date::chooser "$eyear-$emonth-$eday"]
848 if {[llength $newdate] == 3} {
849 set eyear [lindex $newdate 0]
850 set emonth [lindex $newdate 1]
851 set eday [lindex $newdate 2]
854 ttk::button $f.esame -text "=$::tr(Date)" -command {
859 pack $f.edateyear $f.edatedot1 $f.edatemonth $f.edatedot2 $f.edateday \
860 -in $f.edateframe -side left
861 if {$::tcl_version >= 8.3} {
862 pack $f.edatechoose -in $f.edateframe -side left
864 pack $f.esame -in $f.edateframe -side left
870 ttk::label $f.reslabel -textvar ::tr(Result:)
871 ttk::frame $f.resentry
872 ttk::radiobutton $f.resentry.w -text "1-0 " -variable resultVal -value 1
873 ttk::radiobutton $f.resentry.b -text "0-1 " -variable resultVal -value 0
874 ttk::radiobutton $f.resentry.r -text "1/2-1/2 " -variable resultVal -value =
875 ttk::radiobutton $f.resentry.u -text "*" -variable resultVal -value *
876 pack $f.resentry.w $f.resentry.b $f.resentry.r $f.resentry.u -side left
877 grid $f.reslabel -row 7 -column 0 -sticky w
878 grid $f.resentry -row 7 -column 1 -sticky w -columnspan 4
880 ttk::label $f.welolabel -text "$::tr(White) "
882 ttk::combobox $f.wrtype -values [
sc_info ratings] -width 7 -textvariable whiteRType
884 ttk::entry $f.weloentry -width 5 -textvariable whiteElo -justify right
886 ttk::label $f.belolabel -text "$::tr(Black) "
888 ttk::combobox $f.brtype -values [
sc_info ratings] -width 7 -textvariable blackRType
890 ttk::entry $f.beloentry -width 5 -textvariable blackElo -justify right
892 grid $f.welolabel -row 8 -column 0 -sticky w
893 grid $f.wrtype -row 8 -column 1 -sticky w
894 grid $f.weloentry -row 8 -column 2 -sticky w
895 grid $f.belolabel -row 9 -column 0 -sticky w
896 grid $f.brtype -row 9 -column 1 -sticky w
897 grid $f.beloentry -row 9 -column 2 -sticky w
899 ttk::label $f.ecolabel -text "ECO Code:"
900 ttk::entry $f.ecoentry -width 6 -textvariable eco
901 grid $f.ecolabel -row 10 -column 0 -sticky w
902 grid $f.ecoentry -row 10 -column 1 -sticky w
904 ttk::button $f.ecob -textvar ::tr(ClassifyGame) -command {set eco [sc_eco game]}
905 grid $f.ecob -row 10 -column 2 -sticky w
907 grid $f.title -row 0 -column 8 -sticky w -padx "10 0"
908 grid $f.list -row 1 -column 8 -rowspan 9 -sticky nw -padx "10 0"
910 ttk::labelframe .save.extra -text "Extra Tags: (example format: Annotator \"Anand, V\") "
911 pack .save.extra -side top -fill both -expand 1
912 text .save.extra.text -height 4 -width 40 -bg white -wrap none \
913 -yscrollcommand ".save.extra.scroll set"
915 bind .save.extra.text <Key-Tab> "[
bind all <Key-Tab>]; break"
916 ttk::scrollbar .save.extra.scroll -command ".save.extra.text yview" -takefocus 0
917 ttk::button .save.extra.last -text $::tr(UseLastTag) -command {
918 set extraTags [sc_game tag get -last Extra]
919 .save.extra.text delete 1.0 end
920 .save.extra.text insert 1.0 $extraTags
922 pack .save.extra.text -side left -fill both -expand 1
924 pack .save.extra.last -side right -padx 10
926 pack .save.extra.scroll -side right -fill y
927 .save.extra.text insert 1.0 $extraTags
929 foreach i {entryevent entrysite dateyear datemonth dateday \
930 entryround entrywhite entryblack resentry \
931 weloentry beloentry ecoentry edateyear edatemonth edateday} {
932 bind $f.$i <Return> {.save.buttons.save invoke}
936 bind .save.extra.text <FocusIn> {%W configure -background lightYellow }
937 bind .save.extra.text <FocusOut> {%W configure -background white }
943 foreach {i j} {entryevent "event" entrysite "site"
944 entrywhite "white" entryblack "black"
945 entryround "round" } {
946 for {
set z 1} {$z <= 9} {
incr z} {
947 bind $f.$i [
format "<Control-Key-%d>" $z] \
948 [
format "eval {if {\$nameMatchCount >= %d} \
949 {set %s \$nameMatches(%d)}}" $z $j $z]
953 ttk::frame .save.buttons
955 ttk::button .save.buttons.prev -text "As last game" -command {
958 dialogbutton .save.buttons.save -textvar ::tr(Save) -underline 0 -command {
959 set extraTags [.save.extra.text get 1.0 end-1c]
960 if { [gsave $gsaveNum] } {
968 dialogbutton .save.buttons.cancel -textvar ::tr(Cancel) -command {destroy .save}
969 pack .save.buttons -side bottom -padx 10 -fill both -expand 1
975 bind .save <Escape> { focus .; destroy .save; }
977 focus .save.g.entryevent
978 .save.g.entryevent selection range 0 end
979 if {$gnum > 0} {
focus .save.buttons.save}
986 proc gsave { gnum } {
987 global date year month day white black resultVal event site round
988 global whiteElo blackElo whiteRType blackRType eco extraTags
989 global edate eyear emonth eday
991 set date [
format "%s.%s.%s" $year $month $day]
992 set edate [
format "%s.%s.%s" $eyear $emonth $eday]
993 set extraTagsList [
split $extraTags "\n"]
994 sc_game tags set -event $event -site $site -date $date -round $round \
995 -white $white -black $black -result $resultVal \
996 -whiteElo $whiteElo -whiteRatingType $whiteRType \
997 -blackElo $blackElo -blackRatingType $blackRType \
998 -eco $eco -eventdate $edate -extra $extraTagsList
1000 if { [
catch {
sc_game save $gnum}] } {
return 0}
1004 set ply [
sc_pos pgnOffset]
1005 if { [
catch {
sc_game save $gnum $::gameSave_toBase}] } {
return 0}
1019 proc gameAddToClipbase {} {
1020 if {[
catch {
sc_game save 0 $::clipbase_db}]} {
1038 append str "Scid: Shane's chess information database\n\n"
1039 append str "Version $::scidVersion, $::scidVersionDate\n"
1040 append str "Copyright (C) 1999-2004 Shane Hudson\n"
1041 append str "Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Pascal Georges\n"
1042 append str "Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Alexander Wagner\n"
1043 append str "Copyright (C) 2011 Gerd Lorscheid\n"
1044 append str "Copyright (C) 2009-2019 Fulvio Benini\n"
1045 append str "\nScid is licenced under the\n"
1046 append str "GNU General Public License.\n"
1048 append str "\n\nUsing Tcl/Tk version: [
info patchlevel]\n"
1049 append str "Loaded packages:\n"
1050 foreach {pkg} [lsort [
package names]] {
1051 set ver [
package provide $pkg]
1052 if {$ver != ""} {
append str "$pkg\($ver), "}
1054 regsub ", $" $str "." str
1056 tk_messageBox -title "About Scid" -message $str -type ok
1060 proc MouseWheelRedirector {W X Y D} {
1062 set w [
winfo containing -displayof $W $X $Y]
1064 set grabW [grab current $w]
1065 if {$grabW != ""} {
set w $grabW}
1068 event generate $w <<MWheel>> -data $D -rootx $X -rooty $Y
1071 proc ShiftMouseWheelRedirector {W X Y D} {
1072 set w [
winfo containing -displayof $W $X $Y]
1073 set grabW [grab current $w]
1074 if {$grabW != ""} {
set w $grabW}
1075 event generate $w <<Shift-MWheel>> -data $D -rootx $X -rooty $Y
1088 if { [tk windowingsystem] == "win32" } {
1090 set mw_classes [list Text Listbox Treeview]
1091 foreach class $mw_classes {
bind $class <MouseWheel> {}}
1094 bind all <MouseWheel> { MouseWheelRedirector %W %X %Y %D }
1095 bind all <Shift-MouseWheel> { ShiftMouseWheelRedirector %W %X %Y %D }
1098 bind Listbox <<MWheel>> { %W yview scroll [expr {-(%d/120) * 4}] units}
1099 bind Treeview <<MWheel>> { %W yview scroll [expr {-(%d/120)}] units }
1100 bind Text <<MWheel>> {
1101 if {%d >= 0} { %W yview scroll [expr {-%d/3}] pixels
1102 } else { %W yview scroll [expr {(2-%d)/3}] pixels }
1112 set loadAtStart(spell) 1
1113 set loadAtStart(eco) 1
1114 set loadAtStart(tb) 1
1116 proc getCommandLineOptions {} {
1117 global argc argv windowsOS loadAtStart
1119 if { $::macOS && ([
string first "-psn" [
lindex $argv 0]] == 0)} {
1121 set argv [
lrange $argv 1 end]
1126 set arg [
lindex $argv 0]
1127 set firstChar [
string index $arg 0]
1128 if {$firstChar == "-" || ($windowsOS && $firstChar == "/")} {
1131 set argv [
lrange $argv 1 end]
1134 if {$arg == "--"} {
1142 set argName [
string range $arg 1 end]
1146 ::splash::add "Fast start: no tablebases, ECO or spelling file loaded."
1147 set loadAtStart(spell) 0
1148 set loadAtStart(eco) 0
1149 set loadAtStart(tb) 0
1153 set loadAtStart(tb) 0
1157 set loadAtStart(eco) 0
1161 set loadAtStart(spell) 0
1177 if {$loadAtStart(tb)} {
1181 foreach i {1 2 3 4} {
1182 if {$initialDir(tablebase$i) != ""} {
1183 if {$tbDirs != ""} {
append tbDirs ";"}
1184 append tbDirs [
file nativename $initialDir(tablebase$i)]
1188 if {$tbDirs != ""} {
1189 set result [
sc_info tb $tbDirs]
1194 ::splash::add " Tablebases with up to $result pieces were found."
1201 set ecoFile_fullname [
file nativename $ecoFile]
1203 if {$loadAtStart(eco)} {
1205 if {[
catch {
sc_eco read $ecoFile_fullname} result]} {
1207 if {[
catch {
sc_eco read "scid.eco"} result]} {
1211 ::splash::add " ECO file \"./scid.eco\" loaded: $result positions."
1214 ::splash::add " ECO file \"[
file tail $ecoFile_fullname]\" loaded: $result positions."
1221 proc getTopLevel {} {
1224 set exclude { ".glistExtra" ".menu" "." ".pgnPopup" }
1225 foreach c [
winfo children .] {
1226 if { $c != [
winfo toplevel $c] } { continue}
1228 if { [ lsearch $topl $c] == -1 && [ lsearch $exclude $c] == -1 && ![
string match "\.__tk*" $c] } {
1241 proc showHideAllWindows {type} {
1244 if {! $::autoIconify} {
1249 if {($type == "iconify") && ([
winfo ismapped .main] == 1)} {
1253 if {[
winfo exists $w]} {
catch {
wm $type $w}}
1258 proc raiseAllWindows {} {
1260 if {! $::autoRaise} {
1265 if {[
winfo exists $w]} {
catch {
raise $w}}
1270 bind TNotebook <Key-Right> {}
1271 bind TNotebook <Key-Left> {}
1273 wm iconname . "Scid"
1274 wm protocol . WM_DELETE_WINDOW { ::file::Exit }
1286 if {$startup(tip)} { ::tip::show}
1289 if {$loadAtStart(spell)} {
1291 set err [
catch {
sc_name read $spellCheckFile} result]
1297 ::file::autoLoadBases.load
1300 # Given a file name, returns its absolute name.
1302 proc fullname {fname} {
1303 if {[file pathtype $fname] == "absolute"} { return $fname }
1305 if {[catch {cd [file dirname $fname]}]} { return $fname }
1306 set fname [file join [pwd] [file tail $fname]]
1310 # Loading a database if specified on the command line:
1311 foreach cmdbase $::argv {
1312 ::file::Open "[fullname $cmdbase]"