8 proc ChooseColor {type name} {
10 set x [
tk_chooseColor -initialcolor $pgnColor($type) -title "PGN $name color"]
16 proc ConfigMenus {{lang ""}} {
17 if {! [
winfo exists .pgnWin]} {
18 if {$lang == ""} {
set lang $::language}
20 foreach idx {0 1 2 3} tag {File Opt Color Help} {
23 foreach idx {0 1 3} tag {Copy Print Close} {
26 foreach idx {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8} tag {
27 Color Short Symbols IndentC IndentV Space Column StripMarks BoldMainLine
31 foreach idx {9} tag {GInfoPhotos} {
34 foreach idx {0 1 2 3 4 5} tag {Header Anno Comments Vars Background Current} {
37 foreach idx {0 1} tag {Pgn Index} {
42 proc PgnClipboardCopy {} {
44 set pgnStr [
sc_game pgn -width 75 -indentComments $::pgn::indentComments \
45 -indentVariations $::pgn::indentVars -space $::pgn::moveNumberSpaces]
50 if {! [
winfo exists $wt]} { text $wt}
52 $wt insert end $pgnStr sel
54 clipboard append $pgnStr
63 global pgnWin pgnHeight pgnWidth pgnColor
74 $w.menu add cascade -label PgnFile -menu $w.menu.file -underline 0
75 $w.menu add cascade -label PgnOpt -menu $w.menu.opt -underline 0
76 $w.menu add cascade -label PgnColor -menu $w.menu.color -underline 0
77 $w.menu add cascade -label PgnHelp -menu $w.menu.helpmenu -underline 0
78 foreach i {file opt color helpmenu} {
79 menu $w.menu.$i -tearoff 0
82 $w.menu.file add command -label PgnFileCopy -command {::pgn::PgnClipboardCopy }
84 $w.menu.file add command -label PgnFilePrint -command {
86 { "PGN files" {".pgn"} }
87 { "Text files" {".txt"} }
90 set fname [tk_getSaveFile -initialdir [pwd] -filetypes $ftype -title "Save PGN file"]
92 if {[file extension $fname] != ".txt" && [file extension $fname] != ".pgn" } {
95 if {[catch {set tempfile [open $fname w]}]} {
96 tk_messageBox -title "Scid: Error saving file" -type ok -icon warning \
97 -message "Unable to save the file: $fname\n\n"
100 [sc_game pgn -width 75 -symbols $::pgn::symbolicNags \
101 -indentVar $::pgn::indentVars -indentCom $::pgn::indentComments \
102 -space $::pgn::moveNumberSpaces -format plain -column $::pgn::columnFormat \
103 -markCodes $::pgn::stripMarks]
108 $w.menu.file add separator
109 $w.menu.file add command -label PgnFileClose \
110 -command "::win::closeWindow $w"
112 $w.menu.opt add checkbutton -label PgnOptColor \
113 -variable ::pgn::showColor -command {updateBoard -pgn}
114 $w.menu.opt add checkbutton -label PgnOptShort \
115 -variable ::pgn::shortHeader -command {updateBoard -pgn}
116 $w.menu.opt add checkbutton -label PgnOptSymbols \
117 -variable ::pgn::symbolicNags -command {updateBoard -pgn}
118 $w.menu.opt add checkbutton -label PgnOptIndentC \
119 -variable ::pgn::indentComments -command {updateBoard -pgn}
120 $w.menu.opt add checkbutton -label PgnOptIndentV \
121 -variable ::pgn::indentVars -command {updateBoard -pgn}
122 $w.menu.opt add checkbutton -label PgnOptSpace \
123 -variable ::pgn::moveNumberSpaces -command {updateBoard -pgn}
124 $w.menu.opt add checkbutton -label PgnOptColumn \
125 -variable ::pgn::columnFormat -command {updateBoard -pgn}
126 $w.menu.opt add checkbutton -label PgnOptStripMarks \
127 -variable ::pgn::stripMarks -command {updateBoard -pgn}
128 $w.menu.opt add checkbutton -label PgnOptBoldMainLine \
129 -variable ::pgn::boldMainLine -command {updateBoard -pgn}
130 $w.menu.opt add checkbutton -label GInfoPhotos \
131 -variable ::pgn::showPhoto -command {::pgn::Refresh 1}
133 $w.menu.color add command -label PgnColorHeader \
134 -command {::pgn::ChooseColor Header "header text"}
135 $w.menu.color add command -label PgnColorAnno \
136 -command {::pgn::ChooseColor Nag annotation}
137 $w.menu.color add command -label PgnColorComments \
138 -command {::pgn::ChooseColor Comment comment}
139 $w.menu.color add command -label PgnColorVars \
140 -command {::pgn::ChooseColor Var variation}
141 $w.menu.color add command -label PgnColorBackground \
142 -command {::pgn::ChooseColor Background background}
143 $w.menu.color add command -label PgnColorCurrent -command {::pgn::ChooseColor Current current}
145 $w.menu.helpmenu add command -label PgnHelpPgn -command {helpWindow PGN}
146 $w.menu.helpmenu add command -label PgnHelpIndex -command {helpWindow Index}
151 text $w.text -wrap word \
152 -background $pgnColor(Background) -cursor crosshair \
153 -tabs {1c right 2c 4c}
154 if { $::pgn::boldMainLine } {
155 $w.text configure -font font_Bold
159 grid $w.frame -sticky news
160 grid rowconfigure $w 0 -weight 1
161 grid columnconfigure $w 0 -weight 1
164 bind $w <Destroy> { set pgnWin 0 }
167 bind $w.text <ButtonPress-1> "focus %W"
170 bind $w.text <ButtonPress-$::MB3> "::pgn::contextMenu .pgnWin.text %X %Y"
175 if {![
catch { $w.text sync}]} {
bind $w.text <Visibility> "$w.text sync"}
177 $w.text tag add Current 0.0 0.0
184 proc contextMenu {win x y} {
188 set mctxt $win.ctxtMenu
189 if { [
winfo exists $mctxt] } {
destroy $mctxt}
190 if {[
sc_var level] == 0} {
199 $mctxt.evals1 add command -label "Clear" -command {::addNag X}
200 $mctxt.evals1 add command -label "!" -command {::addNag !}
201 $mctxt.evals1 add command -label "?" -command {::addNag ?}
202 $mctxt.evals1 add command -label "!?" -command {::addNag !?}
203 $mctxt.evals1 add command -label "?!" -command {::addNag ?!}
204 $mctxt.evals1 add command -label "!!" -command {::addNag !!}
205 $mctxt.evals1 add command -label "??" -command {::addNag ??}
208 $mctxt.evals2 add command -label "Clear" -command {::addNag Y}
209 $mctxt.evals2 add command -label "=" -command {::addNag =}
210 $mctxt.evals2 add command -label "~" -command {::addNag ~}
211 $mctxt.evals2 add command -label "+=" -command {::addNag +=}
212 $mctxt.evals2 add command -label "=+" -command {::addNag =+}
213 $mctxt.evals2 add command -label "+/-" -command {::addNag +/-}
214 $mctxt.evals2 add command -label "-/+" -command {::addNag -/+}
215 $mctxt.evals2 add command -label "+-" -command {::addNag +-}
216 $mctxt.evals2 add command -label "-+" -command {::addNag -+}
217 $mctxt.evals2 add command -label "+--" -command {::addNag +--}
218 $mctxt.evals2 add command -label "--+" -command {::addNag --+}
219 $mctxt.evals2 add command -label "N" -command {::addNag N}
220 $mctxt.evals2 add command -label "D" -command {::addNag D}
222 $mctxt add command -label [
tr EditDelete] -state $state -command "::pgn::deleteVar"
223 $mctxt add command -label [
tr EditFirst] -state $state -command "::pgn::firstVar"
224 $mctxt add command -label [
tr EditMain] -state $state -command "::pgn::mainVar"
226 $mctxt add command -label "[
tr EditStrip]:[
tr EditStripBegin]" -command {::game::TruncateBegin}
227 $mctxt add command -label "[
tr EditStrip]:[
tr EditStripEnd]" -command {::game::Truncate}
229 $mctxt add command -label "[
tr EditStrip]:[
tr EditStripComments]" -command {::game::Strip comments}
230 $mctxt add command -label "[
tr EditStrip]:[
tr EditStripVars]" -command {::game::Strip variations}
232 $mctxt add cascade -label "! ? ..." -menu $mctxt.evals1
233 $mctxt add cascade -label "+- +/- ..." -menu $mctxt.evals2
234 $mctxt add command -label "[
tr WindowsComment]" -command {::makeCommentWin}
236 tk_popup $mctxt $x $y
262 proc ShowBoard {win moveTag xc yc} {
263 set offSet [
sc_pos pgnOffset]
264 sc_move pgn [
string range $moveTag 2 end]
271 if {$psize > $::boardSize} {
set psize $::boardSize}
273 if {! [
winfo exists $w]} {
274 toplevel $w -relief solid -borderwidth 2
276 wm overrideredirect $w 1
278 pack $w.bd -side top -padx 2 -pady 2
288 set dx [
winfo width $w]
289 set dy [
winfo height $w]
290 if {($xc+$dx) > [
winfo screenwidth $w]} {
291 set xc [
expr {[winfo screenwidth $w] - $dx}]
293 if {($yc+$dy) > [
winfo screenheight $w]} {
294 set yc [
expr {[winfo screenheight $w] - $dy}]
296 wm geometry $w "+$xc+$yc"
308 if {[
winfo exists .pgnPopup]} {
wm withdraw .pgnPopup}
317 proc ResetColors {} {
319 if {![
winfo exists .pgnWin]} {
320 .pgnWin.text configure -background $pgnColor(Background)
321 .pgnWin.text tag configure Current -background $pgnColor(Current)
333 proc Refresh { {pgnNeedsUpdate 0} } {
334 if {![
winfo exists .pgnWin]} {
336 if {$pgnNeedsUpdate} {
339 if {$::pgn::showColor} {
set format color}
340 set pgnStr [
sc_game pgn -symbols $::pgn::symbolicNags \
341 -indentVar $::pgn::indentVars -indentCom $::pgn::indentComments \
342 -space $::pgn::moveNumberSpaces -format $format -column $::pgn::columnFormat \
343 -short $::pgn::shortHeader -markCodes $::pgn::stripMarks]
345 set windowTitle [
format $::tr(PgnWindowTitle) [
sc_game number]]
347 .pgnWin.text configure -state normal
348 .pgnWin.text delete 1.0 end
350 if {$::pgn::showColor} {
353 .pgnWin.text insert 1.0 $pgnStr
356 if {$::pgn::showPhoto} {
358 if {[
image width photoW] != 0} {
359 .pgnWin.text image create 1.0 -image photoW -padx 10 -pady 10
361 if {[
image width photoB] != 0} {
362 .pgnWin.text image create 1.end -image photoB -padx 10 -pady 10
366 .pgnWin.text configure -state disabled
370 if {$::pgn::showColor} {
371 set offset [
sc_pos pgnOffset]
372 .pgnWin.text tag remove Current 1.0 end
373 set moveRange [.pgnWin.text tag nextrange "m_$offset" 1.0]
374 if {[
llength $moveRange] == 2} {
375 .pgnWin.text tag add Current [
lindex $moveRange 0] [
lindex $moveRange 1]
376 .pgnWin.text see [
lindex $moveRange 1]
378 .pgnWin.text yview moveto 0