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game.h File Reference
#include "common.h"
#include "date.h"
#include "indexentry.h"
#include "matsig.h"
#include "movetree.h"
#include "namebase.h"
#include "position.h"
#include <forward_list>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
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struct  patternT
class  Game
struct  gamepos::GamePos




#define GAME_DECODE_NONE   0
#define GAME_DECODE_TAGS   1
#define GAME_DECODE_ALL   3
#define PGN_STYLE_TAGS   1
#define PGN_STYLE_VARS   4
#define PGN_STYLE_SYMBOLS   32
#define PGN_STYLE_COLUMN   256
#define PGN_STYLE_STRIP_MARKS   1024
#define PGN_STYLE_NO_NULL_MOVES   2048
#define PGN_STYLE_UNICODE   4096


enum  gameExactMatchT { GAME_EXACT_MATCH_Exact = 0, GAME_EXACT_MATCH_Pawns, GAME_EXACT_MATCH_Fyles, GAME_EXACT_MATCH_Material }
enum  gameFormatT { PGN_FORMAT_Plain = 0, PGN_FORMAT_HTML = 1, PGN_FORMAT_LaTeX = 2, PGN_FORMAT_Color = 3 }


void transPieces (char *s)
char transPiecesChar (char c)
void game_printNag (byte nag, char *str, bool asSymbol, gameFormatT format)
byte game_parseNag (std::pair< const char *, const char *> strview)
uint strGetRatingType (const char *name)
template<typename TFunc >
void gamevisit::tags_STR (const Game &game, TFunc visitor)
template<typename TFunc >
void gamevisit::tags_extra (const Game &game, TFunc visitor)
template<typename TCont >
void gamepos::collectPositions (Game &game, TCont &dest)
 Iterate all the positions of a game and store the corresponding GamePos objects into a container. More...
std::vector< GamePos > gamepos::collectPositions (Game &game)
 Returns all the positions of a game. More...


int language
const char * langPieces []
const byte NAG_GoodMove = 1
const byte NAG_PoorMove = 2
const byte NAG_ExcellentMove = 3
const byte NAG_Blunder = 4
const byte NAG_InterestingMove = 5
const byte NAG_DubiousMove = 6
const byte NAG_OnlyMove = 8
const byte NAG_Equal = 10
const byte NAG_Unclear = 13
const byte NAG_WhiteSlight = 14
const byte NAG_BlackSlight = 15
const byte NAG_WhiteClear = 16
const byte NAG_BlackClear = 17
const byte NAG_WhiteDecisive = 18
const byte NAG_BlackDecisive = 19
const byte NAG_WhiteCrushing = 20
const byte NAG_BlackCrushing = 21
const byte NAG_ZugZwang = 22
const byte NAG_BlackZugZwang = 23
const byte NAG_MoreRoom = 26
const byte NAG_DevelopmentAdvantage = 35
const byte NAG_WithInitiative = 36
const byte NAG_WithAttack = 40
const byte NAG_WithBlackAttack = 41
const byte NAG_Compensation = 44
const byte NAG_SlightCentre = 48
const byte NAG_Centre = 50
const byte NAG_SlightKingSide = 54
const byte NAG_ModerateKingSide = 56
const byte NAG_KingSide = 58
const byte NAG_SlightQueenSide = 60
const byte NAG_ModerateQueenSide = 62
const byte NAG_QueenSide = 64
const byte NAG_SlightCounterPlay = 130
const byte NAG_CounterPlay = 132
const byte NAG_DecisiveCounterPlay = 134
const byte NAG_BlackSlightCounterPlay = 131
const byte NAG_BlackCounterPlay = 133
const byte NAG_BlackDecisiveCounterPlay = 135
const byte NAG_TimeLimit = 136
const byte NAG_WithIdea = 140
const byte NAG_BetterIs = 142
const byte NAG_VariousMoves = 144
const byte NAG_Comment = 145
const byte NAG_Novelty = 146
const byte NAG_WeakPoint = 147
const byte NAG_Ending = 148
const byte NAG_File = 149
const byte NAG_Diagonal = 150
const byte NAG_BishopPair = 151
const byte NAG_OppositeBishops = 153
const byte NAG_SameBishops = 154
const byte NAG_Etc = 190
const byte NAG_DoublePawns = 191
const byte NAG_SeparatedPawns = 192
const byte NAG_UnitedPawns = 193
const byte NAG_Diagram = 201
const byte NAG_See = 210
const byte NAG_Mate = 211
const byte NAG_PassedPawn = 212
const byte NAG_MorePawns = 213
const byte NAG_With = 214
const byte NAG_Without = 215
const byte MAX_NAGS_ARRAY = 215

Macro Definition Documentation


#define GAME_DECODE_ALL   3

Definition at line 128 of file game.h.



Definition at line 127 of file game.h.


#define GAME_DECODE_NONE   0

Definition at line 125 of file game.h.


#define GAME_DECODE_TAGS   1

Definition at line 126 of file game.h.


#define PGN_STYLE_COLUMN   256

Definition at line 152 of file game.h.



Definition at line 145 of file game.h.



Definition at line 147 of file game.h.



Definition at line 148 of file game.h.



Definition at line 151 of file game.h.


#define PGN_STYLE_NO_NULL_MOVES   2048

Definition at line 155 of file game.h.



Definition at line 153 of file game.h.



Definition at line 150 of file game.h.


#define PGN_STYLE_STRIP_MARKS   1024

Definition at line 154 of file game.h.


#define PGN_STYLE_SYMBOLS   32

Definition at line 149 of file game.h.


#define PGN_STYLE_TAGS   1

Definition at line 144 of file game.h.


#define PGN_STYLE_UNICODE   4096

Definition at line 156 of file game.h.


#define PGN_STYLE_VARS   4

Definition at line 146 of file game.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ gameExactMatchT


Definition at line 130 of file game.h.

◆ gameFormatT


Definition at line 137 of file game.h.

Function Documentation

◆ game_parseNag()

byte game_parseNag ( std::pair< const char *, const char *>  strview)

Definition at line 140 of file game.cpp.

◆ game_printNag()

void game_printNag ( byte  nag,
char *  str,
bool  asSymbol,
gameFormatT  format 

Definition at line 98 of file game.cpp.

◆ strGetRatingType()

uint strGetRatingType ( const char *  name)

Definition at line 80 of file game.cpp.

◆ transPieces()

void transPieces ( char *  s)

Definition at line 41 of file game.cpp.

◆ transPiecesChar()

char transPiecesChar ( char  c)

Definition at line 59 of file game.cpp.

Variable Documentation

◆ langPieces

const char* langPieces[]

Definition at line 33 of file game.cpp.

◆ language

int language

Definition at line 28 of file game.cpp.


const byte MAX_NAGS_ARRAY = 215

Definition at line 111 of file game.h.

◆ NAG_BetterIs

const byte NAG_BetterIs = 142

Definition at line 87 of file game.h.

◆ NAG_BishopPair

const byte NAG_BishopPair = 151

Definition at line 95 of file game.h.

◆ NAG_BlackClear

const byte NAG_BlackClear = 17

Definition at line 58 of file game.h.

◆ NAG_BlackCounterPlay

const byte NAG_BlackCounterPlay = 133

Definition at line 83 of file game.h.

◆ NAG_BlackCrushing

const byte NAG_BlackCrushing = 21

Definition at line 62 of file game.h.

◆ NAG_BlackDecisive

const byte NAG_BlackDecisive = 19

Definition at line 60 of file game.h.

◆ NAG_BlackDecisiveCounterPlay

const byte NAG_BlackDecisiveCounterPlay = 135

Definition at line 84 of file game.h.

◆ NAG_BlackSlight

const byte NAG_BlackSlight = 15

Definition at line 56 of file game.h.

◆ NAG_BlackSlightCounterPlay

const byte NAG_BlackSlightCounterPlay = 131

Definition at line 82 of file game.h.

◆ NAG_BlackZugZwang

const byte NAG_BlackZugZwang = 23

Definition at line 64 of file game.h.

◆ NAG_Blunder

const byte NAG_Blunder = 4

Definition at line 49 of file game.h.

◆ NAG_Centre

const byte NAG_Centre = 50

Definition at line 72 of file game.h.

◆ NAG_Comment

const byte NAG_Comment = 145

Definition at line 89 of file game.h.

◆ NAG_Compensation

const byte NAG_Compensation = 44

Definition at line 70 of file game.h.

◆ NAG_CounterPlay

const byte NAG_CounterPlay = 132

Definition at line 80 of file game.h.

◆ NAG_DecisiveCounterPlay

const byte NAG_DecisiveCounterPlay = 134

Definition at line 81 of file game.h.

◆ NAG_DevelopmentAdvantage

const byte NAG_DevelopmentAdvantage = 35

Definition at line 66 of file game.h.

◆ NAG_Diagonal

const byte NAG_Diagonal = 150

Definition at line 94 of file game.h.

◆ NAG_Diagram

const byte NAG_Diagram = 201

Definition at line 102 of file game.h.

◆ NAG_DoublePawns

const byte NAG_DoublePawns = 191

Definition at line 99 of file game.h.

◆ NAG_DubiousMove

const byte NAG_DubiousMove = 6

Definition at line 51 of file game.h.

◆ NAG_Ending

const byte NAG_Ending = 148

Definition at line 92 of file game.h.

◆ NAG_Equal

const byte NAG_Equal = 10

Definition at line 53 of file game.h.

◆ NAG_Etc

const byte NAG_Etc = 190

Definition at line 98 of file game.h.

◆ NAG_ExcellentMove

const byte NAG_ExcellentMove = 3

Definition at line 48 of file game.h.

◆ NAG_File

const byte NAG_File = 149

Definition at line 93 of file game.h.

◆ NAG_GoodMove

const byte NAG_GoodMove = 1

Definition at line 46 of file game.h.

◆ NAG_InterestingMove

const byte NAG_InterestingMove = 5

Definition at line 50 of file game.h.

◆ NAG_KingSide

const byte NAG_KingSide = 58

Definition at line 75 of file game.h.

◆ NAG_Mate

const byte NAG_Mate = 211

Definition at line 104 of file game.h.

◆ NAG_ModerateKingSide

const byte NAG_ModerateKingSide = 56

Definition at line 74 of file game.h.

◆ NAG_ModerateQueenSide

const byte NAG_ModerateQueenSide = 62

Definition at line 77 of file game.h.

◆ NAG_MorePawns

const byte NAG_MorePawns = 213

Definition at line 106 of file game.h.

◆ NAG_MoreRoom

const byte NAG_MoreRoom = 26

Definition at line 65 of file game.h.

◆ NAG_Novelty

const byte NAG_Novelty = 146

Definition at line 90 of file game.h.

◆ NAG_OnlyMove

const byte NAG_OnlyMove = 8

Definition at line 52 of file game.h.

◆ NAG_OppositeBishops

const byte NAG_OppositeBishops = 153

Definition at line 96 of file game.h.

◆ NAG_PassedPawn

const byte NAG_PassedPawn = 212

Definition at line 105 of file game.h.

◆ NAG_PoorMove

const byte NAG_PoorMove = 2

Definition at line 47 of file game.h.

◆ NAG_QueenSide

const byte NAG_QueenSide = 64

Definition at line 78 of file game.h.

◆ NAG_SameBishops

const byte NAG_SameBishops = 154

Definition at line 97 of file game.h.

◆ NAG_See

const byte NAG_See = 210

Definition at line 103 of file game.h.

◆ NAG_SeparatedPawns

const byte NAG_SeparatedPawns = 192

Definition at line 100 of file game.h.

◆ NAG_SlightCentre

const byte NAG_SlightCentre = 48

Definition at line 71 of file game.h.

◆ NAG_SlightCounterPlay

const byte NAG_SlightCounterPlay = 130

Definition at line 79 of file game.h.

◆ NAG_SlightKingSide

const byte NAG_SlightKingSide = 54

Definition at line 73 of file game.h.

◆ NAG_SlightQueenSide

const byte NAG_SlightQueenSide = 60

Definition at line 76 of file game.h.

◆ NAG_TimeLimit

const byte NAG_TimeLimit = 136

Definition at line 85 of file game.h.

◆ NAG_Unclear

const byte NAG_Unclear = 13

Definition at line 54 of file game.h.

◆ NAG_UnitedPawns

const byte NAG_UnitedPawns = 193

Definition at line 101 of file game.h.

◆ NAG_VariousMoves

const byte NAG_VariousMoves = 144

Definition at line 88 of file game.h.

◆ NAG_WeakPoint

const byte NAG_WeakPoint = 147

Definition at line 91 of file game.h.

◆ NAG_WhiteClear

const byte NAG_WhiteClear = 16

Definition at line 57 of file game.h.

◆ NAG_WhiteCrushing

const byte NAG_WhiteCrushing = 20

Definition at line 61 of file game.h.

◆ NAG_WhiteDecisive

const byte NAG_WhiteDecisive = 18

Definition at line 59 of file game.h.

◆ NAG_WhiteSlight

const byte NAG_WhiteSlight = 14

Definition at line 55 of file game.h.

◆ NAG_With

const byte NAG_With = 214

Definition at line 107 of file game.h.

◆ NAG_WithAttack

const byte NAG_WithAttack = 40

Definition at line 68 of file game.h.

◆ NAG_WithBlackAttack

const byte NAG_WithBlackAttack = 41

Definition at line 69 of file game.h.

◆ NAG_WithIdea

const byte NAG_WithIdea = 140

Definition at line 86 of file game.h.

◆ NAG_WithInitiative

const byte NAG_WithInitiative = 36

Definition at line 67 of file game.h.

◆ NAG_Without

const byte NAG_Without = 215

Definition at line 108 of file game.h.

◆ NAG_ZugZwang

const byte NAG_ZugZwang = 22

Definition at line 63 of file game.h.