Scid  4.7.0
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src Directory Reference


file  attacks.h [code]
file  bytebuf.cpp [code]
file  bytebuf.h [code]
file  codec.h [code]
 Defines the ICodecDatabase interface, which encapsulates the data representation of databases.
file  codec_memory.h [code]
 Implements the CodecMemory class, which represent a memory database.
file  codec_native.h [code]
 Implements CodecNative, which is used as base class by native codecs.
file  codec_pgn.h [code]
 Implements the CodecPgn class, which manages the databases encoded in PGN format.
file  codec_proxy.h [code]
 Implements the CodecProxy class, which serves as base class for non-native databases.
file  codec_scid4.cpp [code]
 Implements the CodecSCID4 class, which manages the databases encoded in Scid format version 4.
file  codec_scid4.h [code]
 Implements the CodecSCID4 class that manages databases encoded in SCID format v4.
file  common.h [code]
file  containers.h [code]
file  crosstab.cpp [code]
file  crosstab.h [code]
file  date.h [code]
file  dbasepool.cpp [code]
file  dbasepool.h [code]
file  dstring.h [code]
file  engine.cpp [code]
file  engine.h [code]
file  error.h [code]
file  fastgame.h [code]
file  filebuf.h [code]
 Extends the std:filebuf class with performance improvements.
file  filter.cpp [code]
file  filter.h [code]
file  fullmove.h [code]
file  game.cpp [code]
file  game.h [code]
file  hash.h [code]
file  hfilter.h [code]
file  index.cpp [code]
file  index.h [code]
file  indexentry.h [code]
file  matsig.cpp [code]
file  matsig.h [code]
file  misc.cpp [code]
file  misc.h [code]
file  movegen.h [code]
 Implements functions for the validation of chess moves.
file  movelist.h [code]
file  movetree.h [code]
 A tree graph of moves representing a game.
file  mtbdata.h [code]
file  naglatex.h [code]
file  nagtext.h [code]
file  namebase.h [code]
file  optable.cpp [code]
file  optable.h [code]
file  pbook.cpp [code]
file  pbook.h [code]
file  pgn_lexer.h [code]
 Split input into PGN tokens and dispatch them to a "visiting" parser.
file  pgnparse.h [code]
 Implements a parser that converts PGN text into SCID's Game objects.
file  polyglot.h [code]
file  position.cpp [code]
file  position.h [code]
file  probe.cpp [code]
file  probe.h [code]
file  recog.cpp [code]
file  recog.h [code]
file  sc_base.cpp [code]
file  sc_filter.cpp [code]
file  sc_info.cpp [code]
file  scidbase.cpp [code]
file  scidbase.h [code]
file  searchindex.cpp [code]
file  searchpos.h [code]
 Defines the classes used to search for positions.
file  searchtournaments.h [code]
file  sortcache.cpp [code]
 Implements the SortCache class, which sorts the games of an Index.
file  sortcache.h [code]
 Defines the SortCache class, which sorts the games of an Index.
file  spellchk.cpp [code]
file  spellchk.h [code]
file  sqmove.h [code]
file  stored.cpp [code]
file  stored.h [code]
file  textbuf.cpp [code]
file  textbuf.h [code]
file  timer.h [code]
file  tkscid.cpp [code]
file  tkscid.h [code]
file  tree.h [code]
file  ui.h [code]
file  ui_tcltk.h [code]