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1 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 //
3 // FILE: nagtext.h
4 // Translationtable for NAG values to text
5 //
6 // Part of: Scid (Shane's Chess Information Database)
7 // Version: 3.6
8 //
9 // Notice: Copyright (c) 2000-2003 Shane Hudson. All rights reserved.
10 //
11 // Author: A. Wagner
12 //
13 //
14 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
16 // 7-bit rewritten
17 // following
19 const char * evalNagsRegular [] =
20 {
21  "", // 0 null annotation
22  "!", // $1 1 good move (traditional "!")
23  "?", // $2 2 poor move (traditional "?")
24  "!!", // $3 3 very good move (traditional "!!")
25  "??", // $4 4 very poor move (traditional "??")
26  "!?", // $5 5 speculative move (traditional "!?")
27  "?!", // $6 6 questionable move (traditional "?!")
28  "forced", // $7 7 forced move (all others lose quickly)
29  "□", // $8 8 singular move (no reasonable alternatives)
30  "worst", // $9 9 worst move
31  "=", // $10 10 drawish position
32  "=, quiet", // $11 11 equal chances, quiet position (DR: traditional =)
33  "↹", // $12 12 equal chances, active position (DR: ECO ->/<-)
34  "~", // $13 13 unclear position (DR: emerging &)
35  "+=", // $14 14 White has a slight advantage (DR: +=)
36  "=+", // $15 15 Black has a slight advantage (DR: =+)
37  "+/-", // $16 16 White has a moderate advantage (DR: +/-)
38  "-/+", // $17 17 Black has a moderate advantage (DR: -/+)
39  "+-", // $18 18 White has a decisive advantage (DR: +-)
40  "-+", // $19 19 Black has a decisive advantage (DR: -+)
41  "+--", // $20 20 White has a crushing advantage (Black should resign) (DR: +--)
42  "--+", // $21 21 Black has a crushing advantage (White should resign) (DR: --+)
43  "⊙", // $22 22 White is in zugzwang (DR: zz)
44  "⊙", // $23 23 Black is in zugzwang (DR: zz)
45  "◯", // $24 24 White has a slight space advantage
46  "◯", // $25 25 Black has a slight space advantage
47  "◯◯", // $26 26 White has a moderate space advantage (DR: O)
48  "◯◯", // $27 27 Black has a moderate space advantage (DR: O)
49  "◯◯◯", // $28 28 White has a decisive space advantage
50  "◯◯◯", // $29 29 Black has a decisive space advantage
51  "↻", // $30 30 White has a slight time (development) advantage
52  "↺", // $31 31 Black has a slight time (development) advantage
53  "↻↻", // $32 32 White has a moderate time (development) advantage (DR: @)
54  "↺↺", // $33 33 Black has a moderate time (development) advantage (DR: @)
55  "↻↻↻", // $34 34 White has a decisive time (development) advantage
56  "↺↺↺", // $35 35 Black has a decisive time (development) advantage
57  "↑", // $36 36 White has the initiative (DR: ^)
58  "↓", // $37 37 Black has the initiative (DR: ^)
59  "⇑", // $38 38 White has a lasting initiative
60  "⇓", // $39 39 Black has a lasting initiative
61  "→", // $40 40 White has the attack (DR: ->)
62  "←", // $41 41 Black has the attack (DR: ->)
63  "&/-", // $42 42 White has insufficient compensation for material deficit
64  "&/+", // $43 43 Black has insufficient compensation for material deficit
65  "=/&", // $44 44 White has sufficient compensation for material deficit (DR: =/&)
66  "=/&", // $45 45 Black has sufficient compensation for material deficit (DR: =/&)
67  "+/&", // $46 46 White has more than adequate compensation for material deficit
68  "-/&", // $47 47 Black has more than adequate compensation for material deficit
69  "⊞", // $48 48 White has a slight center control advantage
70  "⊞", // $49 49 Black has a slight center control advantage
71  "⊞⊞", // $50 50 White has a moderate center control advantage (DR: #)
72  "⊞⊞", // $51 51 Black has a moderate center control advantage (DR: #)
73  "⊞⊞⊞", // $52 52 White has a decisive center control advantage
74  "⊞⊞⊞", // $53 53 Black has a decisive center control advantage
75  "⟩", // $54 54 White has a slight kingside control advantage
76  "⟩", // $55 55 Black has a slight kingside control advantage
77  "⟫", // $56 56 White has a moderate kingside control advantage (DR: >>)
78  "⟫", // $57 57 Black has a moderate kingside control advantage (DR: >>)
79  "⋙", // $58 58 White has a decisive kingside control advantage
80  "⋙", // $59 59 Black has a decisive kingside control advantage
81  "⟨", // $60 60 White has a slight queenside control advantage
82  "⟨", // $61 61 Black has a slight queenside control advantage
83  "⟪", // $62 62 White has a moderate queenside control advantage (DR: <<)
84  "⟪", // $63 63 Black has a moderate queenside control advantage (DR: <<)
85  "⋘", // $64 64 White has a decisive queenside control advantage
86  "⋘", // $65 65 Black has a decisive queenside control advantage
87  "$66", // $66 66 White has a vulnerable first rank
88  "$67", // $67 67 Black has a vulnerable first rank
89  "$68", // $68 68 White has a well protected first rank
90  "$69", // $69 69 Black has a well protected first rank
91  "$70", // $70 70 White has a poorly protected king
92  "$71", // $71 71 Black has a poorly protected king
93  "$72", // $72 72 White has a well protected king
94  "$73", // $73 73 Black has a well protected king
95  "$74", // $74 74 White has a poorly placed king
96  "$75", // $75 75 Black has a poorly placed king
97  "$76", // $76 76 White has a well placed king
98  "$77", // $77 77 Black has a well placed king
99  "$78", // $78 78 White has a very weak pawn structure
100  "$79", // $79 79 Black has a very weak pawn structure
101  "$80", // $80 80 White has a moderately weak pawn structure (DR: x a5)
102  "$81", // $81 81 Black has a moderately weak pawn structure (DR: x a5)
103  "$82", // $82 82 White has a moderately strong pawn structure
104  "$83", // $83 83 Black has a moderately strong pawn structure
105  "$84", // $84 84 White has a very strong pawn structure
106  "$85", // $85 85 Black has a very strong pawn structure
107  "$86", // $86 86 White has poor knight placement
108  "$87", // $87 87 Black has poor knight placement
109  "$88", // $88 88 White has good knight placement
110  "$89", // $89 89 Black has good knight placement
111  "$90", // $90 90 White has poor bishop placement
112  "$91", // $91 91 Black has poor bishop placement
113  "↗", // $92 92 White has good bishop placement (DR: diagonal //)
114  "↖", // $93 93 Black has good bishop placement
115  "$94", // $94 94 White has poor rook placement
116  "$95", // $95 95 Black has poor rook placement
117  "⇈", // $96 96 White has good rook placement (DR: rank <=> file ||)
118  "⇊", // $97 97 Black has good rook placement
119  "$98", // $98 98 White has poor queen placement
120  "$99", // $99 99 Black has poor queen placement
121  "$100", // $100 100 White has good queen placement
122  "$101", // $101 101 Black has good queen placement
123  "$102", // $102 102 White has poor piece coordination
124  "$103", // $103 103 Black has poor piece coordination
125  "$104", // $104 104 White has good piece coordination
126  "$105", // $105 105 Black has good piece coordination
127  "$106", // $106 106 White has played the opening very poorly
128  "$107", // $107 107 Black has played the opening very poorly
129  "$108", // $108 108 White has played the opening poorly
130  "$109", // $109 109 Black has played the opening poorly
131  "$110", // $110 110 White has played the opening well
132  "$111", // $111 111 Black has played the opening well
133  "$112", // $112 112 White has played the opening very well
134  "$113", // $113 113 Black has played the opening very well
135  "$114", // $114 114 White has played the middlegame very poorly
136  "$115", // $115 115 Black has played the middlegame very poorly
137  "$116", // $116 116 White has played the middlegame poorly
138  "$117", // $117 117 Black has played the middlegame poorly
139  "$118", // $118 118 White has played the middlegame well
140  "$119", // $119 119 Black has played the middlegame well
141  "$120", // $120 120 White has played the middlegame very well
142  "$121", // $121 121 Black has played the middlegame very well
143  "$122", // $122 122 White has played the ending very poorly
144  "$123", // $123 123 Black has played the ending very poorly
145  "$124", // $124 124 White has played the ending poorly
146  "$125", // $125 125 Black has played the ending poorly
147  "$126", // $126 126 White has played the ending well
148  "$127", // $127 127 Black has played the ending well
149  "$128", // $128 128 White has played the ending very well
150  "$129", // $129 129 Black has played the ending very well
151  "⇄", // $130 130 White has slight counterplay
152  "⇆", // $131 131 Black has slight counterplay
153  "⇄⇄", // $132 132 White has moderate counterplay (DR: ->/<-)
154  "⇆⇆", // $133 133 Black has moderate counterplay
155  "⇄⇄⇄", // $134 134 White has decisive counterplay
156  "⇆⇆⇆", // $135 135 Black has decisive counterplay
157  "⊕", // $136 136 White has moderate time control pressure
158  "⊖", // $137 137 Black has moderate time control pressure
159  "⊕⊕", // $138 138 White has severe time control pressure
160  "⊖⊖", // $139 139 Black has severe time control pressure
161  "△", // $140 with the idea of
162  "$141", // $141
163  "⌓", // $142 better is
164  "$143", // $143
165  "R", // $144 various moves
166  "RR", // $145 editorial comment
167  "N", // $146 Novelty
168  "×", // $147 weak square
169  "⊥", // $148 endgame
170  "⟺", // $149 file
171  "⇗", // $150 diagonal
172  "◫", // $151 bishop pair
173  "$152", // $152
174  "◨", // $153 opposite coloured bishops
175  "⊶", // $154 bishops of the same colour
176  "$155", // $155
177  "$156", // $156
178  "$157", // $157
179  "$158", // $158
180  "$159", // $159
181  "$160", // $160
182  "$161", // $161
183  "$162", // $162
184  "$163", // $163
185  "$164", // $164
186  "$165", // $165
187  "$166", // $166
188  "$167", // $167
189  "$168", // $168
190  "$169", // $169
191  "$170", // $170
192  "$171", // $171
193  "$172", // $172
194  "$173", // $173
195  "$174", // $174
196  "$175", // $175
197  "$176", // $176
198  "$177", // $177
199  "$178", // $178
200  "$179", // $179
201  "$180", // $180
202  "$181", // $181
203  "$182", // $182
204  "$183", // $183
205  "$184", // $184
206  "$185", // $185
207  "$186", // $186
208  "$187", // $187
209  "$188", // $188
210  "$189", // $189
211  "ǁ", // $190 etc.
212  "⡁", // $191 doubled pawn
213  "⚯", // $192 separated pawn
214  "⚮", // $193 connected pawn
215  "$194", // $194
216  "$195", // $195
217  "$196", // $196
218  "$197", // $197
219  "$198", // $198
220  "$199", // $199
221  "$200", // $200
222  "D", // $201 Diagram
223  "$202", // $202
224  "$203", // $203
225  "$204", // $204
226  "$205", // $205
227  "$206", // $206
228  "$207", // $207
229  "$208", // $208
230  "$209", // $209
231  "—", // $210 see
232  "#", // $211 mate
233  "⚨", // $212 passed pawn
234  "$213", // $213 more pawns
235  "⌊", // $214 with
236  "⌋", // $215 without
237  "$216", // $216
238  "$217", // $217
239  "$218", // $218
240  "$219", // $219
241  "$220", // $220
242  "$221", // $221
243  "$222", // $222
244  "$223", // $223
245  "$224" // $224
246 };
249 //-------------------- UTF-8 Edition --------------------
250 // to follow
const char * evalNagsRegular[]
Definition: nagtext.h:19